Global Health Asia-Pacific issue 5 | Page 12

You Ask , They Answer


: What ’ s a house dust mite allergy ?


: This is an allergic reaction to house dust mites , microscopic creatures related to spiders that live in fabric materials like pillows , mattresses , blankets , carpets , furry toys , fabric sofas / chairs , drapes , and other soft material around the house . Dust mites burrow into the fabric to avoid the light , which makes it impossible to remove living dust mites with even the most powerful vacuum cleaners . Dust mites feed mainly on our skin flakes which we shed daily . These creatures are found in the millions in our mattresses , pillows , and other fabric material in the home and the office . They multiply very fast in the tropics with high humidity and temperature increasing by about 50 times every month . Dust mite fecal pellets , which are about 5 to 10 microns in size , are the main cause of allergic reactions .


: What are the symptoms ?


: Clinical symptoms like allergic rhinitis , eye / ear itchiness , asthma , and some types of atopic eczema are mainly caused by house dust mites .
In the tropics , increased exposure to dust mites precipitates the risk for developing allergic reactions . Children of parents with allergic symptoms , including asthma , have a slightly higher risk of developing allergy in early life . However , it is commonly noted that children of parents without any signs of allergy also have risk for allergy . The primary factors for the development of allergy symptoms in early life include the cleanliness of the environment the babies are brought up in .
In infants , a house dust mite allergy often develops about the second year of life . In rare cases , we have noted allergies to dust mites in very young infants . An allergy to dust mites is often preceded by an allergy to foods like milk and eggs
which are introduced early to infants . Breast fed infants have lower risk , but we are now increasingly finding food allergies in infants who are breast fed .
The primary symptoms of allergies in early life are respiratory with nasal discharge , sneezing , nasal block , and sinus issues . If untreated , it progresses to coughing and subsequently to asthma . For early nasal symptoms , antihistamines are often prescribed .


: How can people prevent house dust mite allergies ?


: There are effective strategies available for the management of dust mites in the home and office environment . Demitze anti-dust-mite spray has been found to be very effective in killing dust mites . Studies conducted by the Institute for Medical Research some 15 years ago established that Demitze ® anti dust mite spray was effective on fabric for about four months with a single spray . Hence , the fabric has to be sprayed every three months and vacuumed weekly . The dead mites need to be removed with a good vacuum . Another desirable option is to use Demitze allergicovers which effectively block any dust mite allergens escaping into the atmosphere . This is the best option for long-term management of dust mites in the home environment . The use of an air filter in the bedroom is a further advantage to reduce any aeroallergens emanating from dust mites .
Dr Manmohan Yadav
Dr Manmohan Yadav is an allergist in Kuala Lumpur
10 ISSUE 5 | 2023 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com