Global Health Asia-Pacific issue 5 | Page 11

Bringing pain relief closer to you

One-third of the worldʼs population are in pain everyday 1

Are you one of them ?

“ Get Treated For Chronic Pain Through Non-Surgical Approach ”
When thinking about getting old , we almost automatically associate it with pain . Millions of people suffer from different kinds of chronic pain , yet current practices and medical access do not solve all related problems effectively .
Many elderly tend to dismiss pain and body aches as part of ageing , consuming painkillers or enduring the pain . When the pain goes untreated , it can become chronic and affect one ’ s quality of life .
DR + Medical & Paincare
At DR + Medical & Paincare , our network of primary care clinics in Singapore bring affordable pain relief treatment to patients . Our general practitioners ( GPs ) are trained to alleviate common pain conditions and perform minimally invasive procedures .
Global Pain Index Report 4 th Edition
Pain Treatment Methods
Coreflex Injections
Coreflex injections are used to treat common pain conditions such as neck pain , back pain , shoulder pain , arthritis , and tendon injury . Coreflex injections target the tendon / muscular areas of the painful area and / or the affected joints to stop muscle spasms and inflammation and improve healing . The affected muscles get profound pain relief as a result .
Platelet Rich Plasma ( PRP )
PRP is an effective method in treating many musculoskeletal conditions such as ligament sprains , tennis / golfer ’ s elbow , ankle pain , joint lacity and instability , jogger ’ s heel , knee pain and other joint pain .
Platelet Rich Plasma ( PRP )
The therapy uses a concentration of patient ’ s own blood platelet to stimulate healing by causing temporary , low-grade inflammation at the injection site , raising growth factor levels and promoting tissue repair and growth .
Intra-articular Injections
Joint degeneration will cause inflammation and pain within the affected joints . Intra-articular injection will remove swelling and effusion . Concurrently , anti-inflammatory and visco-supplement will improve the longevity of the affected joints .
Why DR + Medical & Paincare ?
Non-Surgical Treatment Approach For Chronic Pain
Multi-Dimensional Pain Diagnosis
Outpatient Treatments
Sustained Long-Lasting Pain Relief
DR + Medical & Paincare
( A brand of Singapore Paincare Holdings Limited )
www . drplus . com . sg
10 Convenient Locations In Singapore
For Enquiries : + 65 8777 9500
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