GlobalHealth Asia-Pacific Issue 5 | 2024 | Page 46


How Robots are helping in the treatment of Prostate cancer

The Mona Lisa Biobot

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men according to the World Health Organization and in Malaysia it is the third most common male cancer with an increased incidence seen after the age 50 , with the highest incidence occurring in the 70 to 74 age group .

Unfortunately , most men in Malaysia are still diagnosed at an advanced stage .
It is important to recognize that in early prostate cancer , there is often no symptoms or mild symptoms that are often disregarded . To diagnose early prostate cancer when cure is possible , often a blood test known as PSA is offered to all men over the age of 50 when they go for their health screening . This blood test and a digital rectal examination play an important role in detection of early prostate cancer and chances of successful treatment .
What next if my PSA and / or Digital rectal examination is not normal ? Your doctor might suggest a multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging ( mp MRI ) of the prostate . It is a specialized imaging technique that allows suspicous areas in the prostate to be identified .
What is the advantage of doing a mp MRI ? Mp MRI can aid in the detection , localization , and characterization of prostate cancer . It is increasingly being used in clinical practice to help guide who to biopsy and the areas which need biopsy , staging of the cancer and aids in treatment planning .
What next if the mp MRI results shows that there are abnormal areas that might be cancerous ? Then you will need a prostate biopsy to diagnose
44 ISSUE 5 | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com