GlobalHealth Asia-Pacific Issue 5 | 2024 | Page 45

filters of foreign substances in the body . By entering the lymph nodes , cancer cells can pose additional dangers as the nodes form a pathway into other parts of the body .
All women should know the risks posed by breast cancer in order to make important lifestyle and lifesaving choices . While no exact cause of breast cancer has been identified , there are certain risk factors that increase the chance of developing breast cancer .
Age is a major factor , with over 80 percent of breast cancer occurring in women over 50 who have completed menopause . Genetics also plays a role in breast cancer as women who carry the BRCA1 , BRCA2 or TP53 genes are at particular risk . These genes can also be inherited . Oestrogen , a female hormone , can increase the risk of cancer if a female ’ s body has been exposed to it for long periods of time .
Overweight women also have a higher risk . Alcohol consumption should be moderated as it has been found to trigger a breast cancer-causing gene . Radiation has also been found to be a cause of breast cancer .
While the risk factors are numerous , the most common symptom of breast cancer is the growth of thickened tissue in the breast , called a lump . Usually a painless mass with irregular edges , lumps can be tender , soft or rounded , and also painful . Also , either the entire breast or part of the breast can change in size or shape or swell up or change colour . Skin can experience pitting , dimpling or breaking out into rashes . Breast cancer can also cause nipples to undergo changes , such as being sunken , inverted or producing discharge .
If a woman notices any of these or other similar changes in her breasts , she should immediately seek a medical opinion , preferably from a doctor who can carry out a thorough breast examination that can detect lumps and other changes . If anything abnormal is found , the doctor may order a special type of x-ray called a mammogram . If cancer is diagnosed , a process called staging is then carried out to determine a number of important factors : whether a cancer is invasive or non-invasive and to what extent it has spread , how big the tumour is , and whether lymph nodes are involved and how many .
Possible treatments include surgery , radiotherapy , biological therapy , hormone therapy and chemotherapy . The main types of surgery are lumpectomy , where a tumour is surgically removed , and a mastectomy , which involves removing the whole breast . If radiotherapy is chosen , the patient will receive controlled doses of radiation that target the tumour and destroy cancer cells . Another common treatment , chemotherapy , involves the use of cytotoxic drugs to kill off cancer cells but can produce a number of side effects , such as nausea , vomiting , loss of appetite , loss of hair , fatigue , and higher susceptibility to infections .
Avoiding breast cancer altogether is obviously the preferred scenario and there are a number of important ways for women to reduce their risk
or prevent cancer from reoccurring , starting with lifestyle changes .
Women who drink in moderate amounts , equated to one unit of alcohol a day , or who don ’ t drink at all have less chance of developing cancer . Diet is also very important as women who eat a healthy wellbalanced diet and exercise five times a week are less likely to get cancer . It was found that vitamin C can reduce breast cancer mortality rates , and a recent Japanese study found that drinking three cups of green tea a day showed a 31 percent drop in the reoccurrence of cancer .
In addition to these more aggressive treatments and changes in lifestyle , there have also been a number of recent breakthroughs in breast cancer research resulting in new drug therapies . One new drug , Kadcyla , which was just approved in certain countries including the US and UK , can extend and improve the quality of life of woman with HER2 positive breast cancer , a form that tends to spread faster and to other parts of the body . Another new drug , Neratinib ( Nerlynx ), was recently approved by the US FDA and has been shown to successfully treat early stage breast cancer in patients with the HER2 genetic mutation .
One of the best ways to prevent and detect breast cancer , however , is through screening , something that has been encouraged by many organisations including the World Health Organization ( WHO ). Some women opt for an annual mammogram , but another option is a simple clinical breast exam carried out by a physician to check for any abnormalities or changes in the breast . One of the easiest and most comfortable forms of screening is for women to conduct their own self-examinations on a regular basis .
It ’ s natural that many women will still fear the words “ breast cancer .” But by leading a healthy positive life , avoiding risk factors , and carrying out some type of screening and education , women all over the world can greatly help minimise their chances of getting breast cancer . n
Age is a major factor , with over 80 percent of breast cancer occurring in women over 50 who have completed menopause
Leena Gauba is the Director of the Imperial Healthcare Institute , an award winning eye care hospital in Dubai . The facility treats patients from over 130 countries . Leena has a BSc ( Hons ) in Pharmacology with Management and an MSc in International Management from King ’ s College London . She also possesses a Diploma in Journalism from the London School of Journalism .
GlobalHealthAndTravel . com ISSUE 5 | 2024