Global Health Asia-Pacific Special Issue | Page 93

The short-term effects are affected by the quantity drunk . Other factors may include whether food was ingested beforehand , as well as the weight and gender of the drinker . Women often weigh less than men , so that when they consume the same amount of alcohol women ’ s bodies absorb it more slowly , making them more susceptible to negative effects .
The long-term effects of excessive alcohol consumption can be very concerning , especially if the body ’ s warning signals are ignored . Long-term heavy drinking might increase tolerance to alcohol . Some of the long-term effects of alcohol addiction include :
• cancer of the mouth , esophagus , liver , colon , and breast
• coma
• compromised immune system
• dementia
• heart damage
• hormonal imbalances
• insomnia
• Korsakoff ’ s psychosis (“ wet brain ”)
• liver cirrhosis
• malnutrition
• nerve damage
• obesity
• overdose
• stomach ulcers
• stroke
• Wernicke ’ s encephalopathy
• anxiety
• decreased attention span
• depression
• difficulty forming thoughts
• trouble with balance
The long-term impact of alcohol addiction affects more than just the body . Apart from serious impacts on the entire family and social group , it may become more challenging for someone with an alcohol addiction to be hired or to hold down a job . This may result in unemployment and financial difficulties .
Some behavioural , mental , physical symptoms of alcohol addiction Most people cannot recognise their own alcoholic symptoms , so it is those around them — family , loved ones , friends , and colleagues — who must be aware of these alcohol addiction warning signals .
Alcohol abuse generally manifests as symptoms throughout a person ’ s daily life , including in their
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2022