Global Health Asia-Pacific Special Issue | Page 94

Alcohol slows down the rate at which the liver metabolises and releases toxins from the body . job , school , and with family . People who are close to someone struggling with an addiction to alcohol may be reluctant to acknowledge these alcohol abuse indicators . They frequently offer justifications for the sufferer of alcohol addiction to avoid facing the possibility that their loved one is exhibiting alcoholic symptoms and likely has a serious problem . Behavioural symptoms of alcohol addiction are the easiest to notice . Friends , family , or colleagues may notice the person has some of these many behavioural symptoms :
• has legal issues like DUI , domestic violence , or assault
• displaying alcohol-impairment
• absent from meetings , interviews , or scheduled appointments
• goes “ on and off-the-wagon ” a lot .
• demonstrates unusual , impetuous , or inappropriate behaviour
• becomes more irate or rebellious
• overreacts to everyday issues , difficulties , suggestions , and criticism
• acts unusually withdrawn and alone
• denies , lies , conceals , or keeps activities and whereabouts a secret
• loses enthusiasm for interests and pursuits
• acts recklessly or takes needless risks
• has escalating financial difficulties and may borrow or steal from family and friends
Furthermore , those who live with the person addicted to alcohol may frequently notice the harder to recognise mental symptoms . It is these that indicate that the alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction is becoming severe . These mental indicators that the person may exhibit include :
• has trouble paying attention , concentrating , or attending to a task ; needs assistance to finish a task
• displays distraction or confusion often
• makes poor or irrational decisions
• has trouble in making decisions
• loses consciousness , blacks out or experiences short-term memory loss
• requires repeated instructions
• has trouble remembering specific details
• is agitated or depressed
The physical symptoms are harder to spot than behavioural ones , but being aware of them makes it easier to recognise them . The physical symptoms of alcoholism are directly related to drinking or the withdrawal symptoms when abstaining from alcohol . These common physical symptoms are :
• smells of alcohol or has odour on the breath
• speech is slurred or has stutters , often slowly and unintelligible .
• possesses trouble establishing eye contact
• has trembling , shaking , or twitching of hands and eyelids
• appears lethargic or easily nods off
• has issues with sleep such as insomnia , chronic fatigue
• displays poor posture , grooming habits , and personal hygiene
• shows poor coordination or a wobbly gait such as staggering , off balance
• injured frequently or bruises without justifiable reasons
• has long-term conditions that necessitate hospitalisation or doctor visits
• has significant mood changes
• has a broad mood shift toward depression and a critical or pessimistic viewpoint .
• experiences panic attacks
• takes excessive sick leave with inadequate justification
• has lengthy lunches and breaks
• returns from breaks to work in a visibly different state
• avoids colleagues and managers
• violates the business ’ s codes , policies , and procedure
Some alcohol addiction symptoms can be seen at work just as they can in one ’ s home and personal life . Colleagues can spot these workplace or job behavioural symptoms for alcohol addiction and intervene appropriately with the family of the person . Work related behavioural symptoms include :
• makes mistakes during work
• provides dubious justifications for shortcomings or places the responsibility elsewhere
• has trouble keeping to a schedule
• misses appointments , meetings , and planned events , and is frequently late
• lodges numerous grievances or complaints
The effects of alcohol abuse Several major body organs can suffer detrimental effects from alcohol , with the liver being the most impacted . Alcohol slows down the rate at which the liver metabolises and releases toxins from the body . Also , some of the liver cells die each time the liver filters alcohol . Although the organ can develop new cells , prolonged alcohol abuse over many years reduces cell regeneration , causing serious and sometimes permanent damage . Steatosis , also known as fatty liver , alcoholic hepatitis , fibrosis , and cirrhosis are results of severe alcohol misuse .
The parts of the brain that govern judgement and decision-making are also harmed by alcohol addiction . Alcohol abuse can also damage the brain ’ s nerve cells that relate to sight and hearing . Heart issues such as irregular pulse , stroke , and heart muscle damage are some of the effects of long-term alcohol consumption . Additionally , alcohol raises blood pressure , which can harm the kidney , heart , and the blood vessels of the brain . The pancreas
92 ISSUE 6 | 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com