Global Health Asia-Pacific Special Issue | Page 80


Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare Report 2022

The pandemic led to rapid reinvention of healthcare delivery in the Asia-Pacific region , according to a report by Bain & Company

The Covid-19 pandemic increased consumers ’ health awareness and exposure to technology , which empowered consumers to take more active roles in their care . Now that consumers are paying closer attention , they have new and rapidly increasing expectations . In response , healthcare delivery is being reinvented in the Asia-Pacific region . Trends that were just taking off before the pandemic took solid hold over the past two years . Healthcare consumerism , digital integration , and telehealth evolved rapidly out of necessity — and also addressed unmet consumers ’ desires for convenience , value , and experience .

To understand the challenges and opportunities facing healthcare today , Bain & Company surveyed 1,750 consumers in Australia , China , India , Indonesia , Malaysia , the Philippines , and Singapore . We also surveyed more than 200 physicians in Australia , China , and India . Our surveys were issued in late 2019 , just before the pandemic , and repeated in 2021 .
The results help us understand how healthcare preferences and behaviors have shifted and provide key insight into trends that are unfolding in the Asia-Pacific region . Based on this data , we also suggest four strategies to help healthcare companies serve consumers and positively affect public health .
were before .
Consumers are interested in more than just apps and gadgets . Nearly half of consumers said they ’ re willing to pay more out of pocket for healthcare expenses in exchange for better health outcomes , experiences , and efficiencies . About a third of consumers would pay up to 20 % more over the next three years ; they are most willing to pay for regular and diagnostic health checkups and chronic care treatment ( see Figure 2 ).
A realignment of stakeholder trust The notion of hospitals as de facto healthcare providers is slowly fading away . The industry is rapidly moving toward delivery models that are more convenient for consumers and less expensive to deliver . Technology is helping healthcare organizations deliver high-touch services without the time or expense of physical interactions .
Many consumers are ready to explore new care options , but
Figure 1 . Consumers are proactively managing their health and well-being
Side effects of the pandemic When we compared the survey results we collected in 2019 with the data for this report , four key themes emerged . We discovered : 1 . Rising consumerism in health 2 . A realignment of stakeholder trust 3 . Increased desire for simplicity and convenience 4 . New , tech-enabled healthcare norms
Rising consumerism in health In our 2019 report , consumers were starting to become more interested in wellness , health conditions , and treatment options . Now , they are fully paying attention . Healthcare is top of mind and consumers are willing to invest their time and money into wellness .
A new type of patient is emerging , one who is actively engaged in health maintenance , treatment options , and preventative care ( see Figure 1 ). Consumers report using online research to understand their conditions , stay informed about diseases and treatments , and monitor their health .
Sales for fitness wearables , such as activity trackers , increased 30 % from 2019 to 2020 , according to CNBC reporting . A Global Mobile Consumer Trends survey issued by MoEngage and Apptopia found that downloads of health and fitness apps jumped 157 % during the first half of 2020 in India , and the number of active daily users increased 84 %. In the rest of the region , digital health and fitness activity increased by about a quarter .
According to Adjust , a mobile app analytics platform , downloads tapered off in 2021 but usage remained high . Sessions increased 31 % year over year , indicating users are sticking with apps — and managing their health more than they
Figure 2 . Nearly half of consumers are willing to pay more for better health outcomes
78 ISSUE 6 | 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com