ELYSEE KOH PICH POLYCLINIC AND DIALYSIS CENTER was established in 2016 as a small medical consultation practice by Dr Sovann Kanitha . At the time , we had only one doctor and one nurse . In 2017 , the consultation room was upgraded to a dialysis centre with five dialysis machines . We offered two sessions per day , morning and afternoon , but soon after started to recruit more doctors and nurses . Dr Kanitha provided both outpatient and dialysis services , but the number of dialysis patients kept rising , so in the beginning of 2018 , we decided to offer a third session at night .
In response to patient demand , in 2019 the centre was expanded and renamed the ELYSEE KOH PICH POLYCLINIC AND DIALYSIS CENTER . Today we offer 24-hour service with 10 VIP rooms , togther with other paraclinic services . During COVID-19 , our centre decided to provide COVID dialysis services for dialysis patients in Cambodia . We were the only private centre in the country to do so . As a result , we were able to help many dialysis patients during the pandemic .
We now also have a number of nephrologists ready to provide care to our dialysis patients . Our director , Dr Sovann Kanitha , is also well recognised for taking care of chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) patients with diabetes and hypertension , something he has been doing for over ten years . His vision is to ensure that dialysis patients receive the best treatment and are able to spend a longer time on this earth . “ We are committed to save more kidneys ,” he said .
We have also received many dialysis patients from all over the world , such as Japan , Burma , Thailand , Malaysia , the Phillipines , USA , and France . As a polyclinic , we have an outpatient ward , dialysis ward , inpatient ward , surgery ward , GI ward , and a cardiology ward , all staffed by multi-specialists who are ready to take care of our patients .
72 JULY 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com