Specialist Doctors With Many Years Of Experience
Diagnostic Imaging Centre of the Year in Cambodia �ounded in �ay ���� , Leang Heng �iagnostics Center ( LH�C� offers a range of medical diagnostic services in Cambodia . �ith many years of e�perience in the field , LH�C ’ s founder believes that the latest medical diagnostics technology and equipment , together with the best standards of practice , can help the Cambodian people improve their chances of living longer and healthier , like other developed countries such Japan and the �SA .
�Check your health ahead� is a concept recommended and introduced to developing countries , and this trend is also increasing in Cambodia . �ssentially , it means that regular health e�ams and tests can help find problems before they start . They also can help find problems early , when your chances for treatment and cure are better . �y getting the right health services , screenings , and treatments , you are taking steps that will help your chances of living a longer , healthier life .
LH�C is equipped with the latest medical imaging equipment using premium technology . This equipment is carefully crafted and adapted to the changing requirements of healthcare , enabling us to e�pand our clinical capabilities and leading to more confident and reliable diagnostics results .
�J Street ��� Sangkat Tuol Sangke �han �ussey �eo �hnom �enh Cambodia ( near CA��� traffic light� ���� �� �� ��� �� ���� �� �� ��� �� �acebook �age� Leang Heng �iagnositics Center �mail� info�lhdiagnostic . com