Holistic Health
Fixing structural inequities is key to flourishing
Psychological tips to achieve well-being offer limited help to disadvantaged people
Acommon narrative around wellness holds that people can �ourish by setting their minds to a series of positive activities . Assess yourself , savour small things , and do five good deeds are some of the tips offered by the New York Times to get you thriving .
Though this type of advice might help people who already have time and resources to improve their wellbeing , it likely rings hollow with those who struggle to make ends meet and have little me-time and few opportunities to socialise .
Some experts caution that , while this psychological approach is capturing attention and massive investment to revamp health and social policy , it often ignores root problems .
“ What could be wrong with a worldwide effort to help people �ourish� Our concern is that a narrowly psychological approach overestimates individuals� control over their own well-being , while underestimating the role of systemic inequities , including those that welldesigned laws and policies can help address ,” wrote a team of researchers in The Conversation .
In their study on �ourishing and health conducted in Cleveland , the researchers asked 1�0 people from different racial and social backgrounds open-ended questions on if , how , and why they were �ourishing or struggling with it .
Social support , stable income , and social determinants of health ( e . g ., access to healthy food , education , and a safe place to live ) were the top three factors affecting the sense of �ourishing , according to interviewees .
Less than half of those surveyed making �S��0,000 or less a year told researchers they were �ourishing , while the percentage skyrocketed to almost 90 percent for people earning over �S�100,000 .
One interviewee said that poverty and other types of vulnerabilities got in the way of �ourishing� “ If you have a home that�s infested with roaches , and mold , and lead , and water , then after you�ve worked so hard , you come home and �ust want to rest . And then you�re like oh , I don�t have food , and you didn�t want to cook � then you�re eating unhealthy .” This also affected relationships , the interviewee added , as anger made it hard to be a good parent , work effectively , and make friends .
A black female interviewee mentioned racism was a key obstacle to �ourishing as it made daily life “ exhausting ” and “ such a heavy lift ” in a way that experts say often leads to health deterioration .
“ �nder circumstances like these , would savoring the small things and doing good deeds really help� To us , the answer is clear� Without the conditions that enable �ourishing , psychological exercises will inevitably fall short . More importantly , they risk leaving behind those already facing adversity and in�ustice ,” wrote the researchers .
In such cases , they argue , safe and affordable housing , a living wage , solutions to systemic racism , and affordable quality food and healthcare would go a long way towards helping people �ourish .
“ We contend that �ourishing research and policy need to consider these factors as well .
Safe and affordable housing , a living wage , solutions to systemic racism , and affordable quality food and healthcare would go a long way towards helping people flourish .
20 ISSUE 5 | 2023 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com