Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 3 | Page 83



Dr . Christina Couple , Marriage and Family Therapy Dr . Christina Couple , Marriage and Family T herapy is renowned for her expertise in the field of psychotherapy and has b een honoured with the prestigious award of P sychotherapy Clinic of the �ear in the Asia-Pacific region for the second consecutive year .
T his accolade is a testament to her dedication and specialisation in repairing , reb uilding , and restoring relationships in Couple , Marriage , and Family T herapy .
She focuses on addressing the complex dynamics within relationships b y taking a holistic approach to healthcare and treating from the perspective that “ relationship matters .” She emphasises the profound interconnectedness b etween marriage , family , community , and the nation : “ As goes the Marriage , so goes the Family ; As goes the Family , so goes the Community ; As goes the Community , so goes the Nation .” T his b elief underscores her commitment to nurturing healthy relationships at all levels — individual , marital , and familial
— as a foundation for thriving communities and nations .
Her approach is rooted in attachment science , emphasising the significant in�uence of our bonds on our development from infancy to adulthood . She provides a supportive environment where couples and families can openly communicate with an ob jective , neutral , and nonjudgmental clinician , identifying and modifying thought and b ehaviour patterns that hinder well-b eing .
Dr . Christina attaches great importance to promptly addressing relational prob lems and reducing symptoms while considering longterm well-b eing . Her extensive
Dr . Christina
knowledge and expertise enab le her to excel in assessing , diagnosing , and treating various mental and emotional challenges .
In couple ’ s therapy , she addresses communication deadlocks , trust issues , con�ict resolution , intimacy and sexual issues , financial stress , parenting differences , life transitions , emotional unavailab ility , power struggles , and cultural differences . For affair recovery , she facilitates discussions about infidelity , supports emotional healing , helps reb uild trust , ensures accountab ility , guides forgiveness , strengthens commitment , addresses root causes , reestab lishes intimacy , provides coping strategies , and reestab lishes the ‘ us ’ in the marriage .
In family therapy , she reb uilds communication , resolves con�icts , strengthens family b onds , improves parenting skills , manages b ehavioural issues , supports life transitions , enhances prob lem-solving , addresses trauma , improves emotional understanding , and sets healthy b oundaries . U nder her guidance , families gain insights , learn effective techniq ues , and achieve happier , healthier relationships .
In individual therapy , Dr . Christina addresses anxiety and stress , depression , self-esteem issues , trauma and P T SD , life transitions , grief and loss , anger management , self- discovery and re-estab lishing identity , relationship issues , sub stance ab use and addiction , eating disorders , phob ias , work-related stress , chronic illness and pain , and personal growth .
In 2006 , she was inducted into T he International Honor Society in P sychology , U SA ( P si Chi ) . Dr . Christina holds memb erships in multiple esteemed associations , including the American P sychological Association ( AP A ) , Association for P sychological Science ( AP S ) ,
American Association of Marriage and Family T herapy ( AAMFT ) , American Counseling Association ( ACA ) , American Mental Health Counsellors Association ( AMHCA ) , International Society for Mental Health ( ISMHO ) , International Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors ( IAMFC ) , Malaysian P sychological Association ( P SIMA ) , Malaysian Mental Health Association ( MMHA ), and World Federation for Mental Health ( WFMH ).
Her work has b een further recognised through various national T V interviews on mental health during the pandemic crisis , as well as multiple national media pub lications .
In 2022 , she was honoured as one of the outstanding personalities in Malaysia in Britishpedia ’ s ‘ Successful P eople in Malaysia .’
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024