Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 3 | Page 82



Bali Royal Hospital ’ s Answer to Orthopaedics Services & Sport Therapy in Bali T he enchanting b eauty and culture of Bali have b ecome a b eacon for those seeking relief and a b rief escape from their hectic routines . With Medical T ourism getting more attention from the locals and tourists alike , Bali Royal Hospital aims to realise its vision of b ecoming a centre of superior health services ( Centre of E xcellence ) with emphasis on patient satisfaction and safety , supported b y leading specialists to provide comprehensive and holistic medical care for various musculoskeletal issues . Bali Royal Hospital developed Royal Sport T herapy and Royal Orthopaedic Services to help achieve this goal .
Royal Orthopaedic Services is a team comprised of specialists ( Paediatric Orthopaedics , Spine , Sports Injuries , Hip and Knee Specialist ) offering medical service for various musculoskeletal issues . T he team provides treatment to issues caused b y sporting injury , accidents , genetic deformities , joint pain , and others . T he procedures include orthopaedic surgeries , rehab ilitation programs , and appropriate therapies to ensure optimal care and recovery . Royal Orthopaedic Services also ab le to perform advanced orthopaedic treatments such as Joint Replacement , Arthroscopy , Fracture Management , and Spine Surgery .
Royal Sport T herapy is an integrated physiotherapy program under the supervision of an orthopaedic specialist . T he program is designed to aid patients recovering from a musculoskeletal
Dr . Ida Ayu Oka Purnama Wati , SS ., MM
injury , undergoing post-surgery rehab ilitation , or seeking performance enhancement through specific and catered training regimens . T he team at Royal Sport T herapy is comprised of Orthopaedics ( Sports Injury Subspecialist , Spine Subspecialist , Hip and Knee Subspecialist ) as well as P hysiotherapists . T he advanced procedures provided include Arthroscopic Surgery , Reconstructive Surgery , Orthopaedic Sports Medicine , P hysiotherapy and Sports Massage . Additionally , Royal Sport T herapy also provides on-site medical team for sport events in order to provide care on the field .
Bali Royal Hospital ( BROS ) : https :/ / b aliroyalhospital . co . id / en /
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