Global Health Asia-Pacific Best Hospitals Awards 2021 | Page 31

Why Early Detection Saves Lives ?

Early diagnosis of cancer focuses on detecting symptomatic patients as early as possible so they would have the best chance for successful treatment . Call your nearest KPJ Hospital to find out more about screening options available for you .
9-14 years old and above HPV vaccination : Anal , penis mouth / throat cancer prevention
15 years old and above Monthly testicular self-examination
50 years old and above Colorectal and prostate cancer screening

Other steps to reduce cancer risk :

Quit smoking
Avoid processed meat
Limit alcohol consumption
Consume meals that are rich with nutrients i . e . fruits and vegetables
Cut down on red meat and salty food
Identify your family ’ s medical history
Exercise regularly and maintain optimal BMI
If you have any family history or other related factors , we encourage you to come and visit us . Our qualified doctors can help you identify a screening plan that is tailored to you .
Best Hospital of the Year in Malaysia 2017 , 2018 & 2021
Book your first appointment with us today . medtourism @ kpjhealth . com . my + 6019 324 3208
Source : National Cancer Society Malaysia