Samitivej Hospital wins 5 outstanding achievement awards 2020 and 2021 have been challenging to all of us and most importantly patients needing healthcare . The hospital has had to rethink how to care for them while protecting their safety . It has meant reviewing our healthcare operations inside the hospital without disrupting our standards in medical care quality and it has meant making our services more available outside of the hospital . Our telemedicine platform has been instrumental in this last aspect . Just to illustrate this , Samitivej Virtual Hospital has increased its roster to 642 doctors covering 51 fields of specialty and has seen a 221 percent increase in call volume over the past 12 months .
On top of its telemedicine platform , Samitivej Hospital has built several services to provide useful medical information in a safe delivery :
• TytoCare devices are used to provide a range of basic examinations . This equipment helps doctors make a diagnosis while providing 24 / 7 online consultations via the Samitivej Virtual Hospital . TytoCare allows for examination of the lungs , heart , heart rate , ears , throat , skin , and body temperature .
• Samitivej has presented 200 TytoCare devices to public hospitals to assist in their fight against COVID-19 by aiding examinations , lessening infection risk and reducing expenditures associated with the COVID-19 outbreak .
• The Engage care application is used to monitor vital health indicators in realtime for those suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure . The information is monitored 24 hours a day by a team of expert doctors , who are on hand to deal with any complications that may arise .
• Samitivej Pace can be used by relatives and loved ones wishing to view the status of patients undergoing surgery , from preparation through recuperation .
• Samitivej Prompt provides information about treatments for patients recovering on the ward . Patients using this service can manage scheduling , view details of the doctors and nursing team providing their care , use the message system to contact their primary doctor , and view medical fees and expenses .
• Finally , Test @ Home services for home blood testing , and medicine delivery through the Samitivej Virtual Hospital ’ s partnership with Save Drug , a pharmacy and health products store operating within the BDMS group . Because Save Drug has branches throughout Thailand , rapid delivery times can be achieved to ensure the utmost convenience to our patients . Light cases of COVID-19 have had access to medical treatment without
ever setting foot in the main hospital facility . Samitivej Hospital has a vision to innovate continuously in order to respond to the ever-changing environment . But the hospital and its staff are caregivers at heart . Providing the best possible medical services to those in need is at the core of our mission . The Samitivej New Life Foundation was established in 2010 for this purpose . By using its medical expertise to help the community , the hospital has been able to help underprivileged child patients through three funds : The Samitivej Heart Fund , The Samitivej Bone Marrow Fund , and The Samitivej Scoliosis Fund . Together , these funds have supported Samitivej in providing healthcare to over 200 underprivileged children , giving them a new lease on life .
The importance of healthcare as a pillar of a solidary society has been underlined in a stark manner over the last two years . Samitivej Hospital is continuously looking for new ways to play its role .
30 NOVEMBER 2021 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com