GHAP Medical and Aesthetic Awards 2020 | Page 13



Parkway Cancer Centre is home to a comprehensive suite of cancer treatments delivered by an experienced , multidisciplinary team of medical doctors , nurses , counsellors , and other paramedical professionals .
Every day , and for every patient , its team works hard to deliver holistic cancer care in a safe and comfortable environment , aided by modern technology and proven innovative therapies to achieve optimal clinical outcomes for patients . And since ensuring patients ’ wellbeing also means creating a positive experience for them each time , its guest relations officers and translators are always onhand to greet and attend to them .
Providing swift access to cancer care Time is of essence when it comes to beating cancer . Like a well-oiled machine , the centre ’ s oncologists work cohesively with pathologists and radiologists to establish an accurate diagnosis and produce a treatment plan for patients . Since they understand the emotional turmoil patients experience while waiting for a diagnosis , they strive to draw up a treatment plan within 48 hours . Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic , accessibility to care is ever more important . The centre ’ s teleconsultation and video-consultation services help ensure that its regional patients receive continuity of care despite the travel restrictions that prevent them from coming to Singapore . Its 18 regional CanHOPE offices around the region help reassure patients and
Dr Ang Peng Tiam with Narender Panjwani
facilitate teleconsultation sessions , enabling them to receive the clinical care they require .
Patient first approach At Parkway Cancer Centre , patients are at the heart of all that the team does . Its service propositions are all centred on not just the physical health of patients , but also on the psychosocial , dietary , and mental well-being needs of both the patients and their caregivers . This is where the team of counsellors , dietitians , and guest relations executives complements the clinical professionals in delivering holistic services to patients .
The team at the centre takes every opportunity to celebrate milestones at its clinics . At every festivity and each personal achievement for the individual patient , it will try to create a service delight for them . Sometimes it can just be a note of encouragement or a birthday cake served with a gusty rendition of the happy birthday song while they ’ re receiving chemotherapy in the treatment area . These personal touches come from the heart of the people on the team , and they pride themselves in that .
Forefront in cancer care The centre ’ s team has grown from strength to strength over the years . When Parkway Cancer Centre was established in 2006 , its doctors had a vision . They wanted to create a one-stop outpatient centre to deliver a multidisciplinary team approach to cancer care . This vision has brought them to where they are today .
The team stands by its mission “ to provide a comprehensive and integrated premier cancer service that is patient-focused , with utmost care , comfort and compassion .”
This year will mark Parkway Cancer Centre ’ s 15th anniversary . The team is grateful to have been able to provide care for patients for 15 years , and they will continue to strive to achieve better clinical outcomes , improve accessibility to care , and ensure patients receive the optimal care they deserve .
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com 2020 AWARDS SPECIAL