Redefining Health Screenings :
The Rise of Dexa Scan and VO2max
The Dexa ( Dualenergy X-ray Absorptiometry ) scan utilizes low-dose X-rays at varying energy levels to pinpoint bone density , muscle mass , and fat distribution with remarkable precision .
Longevity screening has emerged as a powerful ally in preventive healthcare , propelled by new technologies and a growing focus on personalized wellness . Two standout methods — Dexa scan and VO2max — are quickly becoming cornerstone assessments , bridging the gap between routine checkups and advanced diagnostics .
The Dexa ( Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry ) scan utilizes low-dose X-rays at varying energy levels to pinpoint bone density , muscle mass , and fat distribution with remarkable precision . According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation , one in three women over the age of 50 and one in five men in the same age group will suffer from osteoporotic
Dexafit AI with Dexa Scan Machine
46 ISSUE 6 | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com