GlobalHealth Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2024 | Page 41


Obesity ? How you can lose weight ?

By Pn . Aziah binti Aziz , Dietitian , KMI Kuala Terengganu Medical Centre
In term of dietary intervention , we should focus on balance diet . Focus on a diet rich in fruits , vegetables , whole grains , and lean proteins while minimizing added sugars and refined carbohydrates . Follow the Food Pyramid Malaysia 2020 as your guidance . For vegetable and fruits should be taken the most . Plant food contains a wide variety of nutrients like vitamins , minerals , phytochemicals and antioxidants . Eat more grains by choosing wholegrains at most such as brown rice , oats and barley and wholemeal and pasta . For the third tier at food pyramid consists of meat , fish , egg , milk and their alternatives that must be taken in moderation . Nutrient in these group provided with calcium and protein , vitamins and minerals . Lastly , reduce intake of fat / oil , salt and sugar . The best is to trim fat from meat before cooking . Cook with best method by limit intake used of high fat product .

The battle against obesity is a public health challenge that requires a multifaceted approach , particularly focusing on dietary changes . Reported by National Health Screening Initiative ( NHSI ) 2023 , 53.5 % of Malaysians screened under the NHSI were either overweight or obese . Diet plays a critical role in as prevention and intervention for shaping health outcomes . People generally gain weight due to imbalance energy level by consuming more energy than they burn . Losing of weight for obese people will give the impact on improving overall health such as prevent from diabetes type II , increase in fitness level and reduce some specific health problems . It is referring for example sleep apnea , joint and back pain problem and shortness of breath ( SOB ).

In general , by reduce about 500 calories per day from usual diet , you will lose 0.5-1.0 kg / week . However , it also can depend on body , how much target of weight loss , gender and activity level . Choose lower calories food by simple swaps , which you can save 70 calories by choosing roasted chicken compared fried chicken .
Besides that , portions size can be affected in calories count . Control the portion as recommended by following these tips : 1 . Small portion and frequent meals . Way in achieving this are by taking 3 main meals and taken 1 or 2 snack time based on your calories target . Choice healthier snack such as fruit , nut and legume or dairy products .
2 . Choose small plate can help for control the portion of size meal . Using a smaller plate encourages more mindful eating practices , such as slowing down during meals , savouring each bite , and paying attention to feelings of fullness . These habits can prevent overeating .
3 . In addition , checking the food label to compare the calories per serving . You may be surprised with some product that claim it is healthier to their competitors .
4 . Follow as Malaysian Healthy Plate or “ Suku Suku Separuh ” as your guidelines for your portion size .
Instead take this
Take this
Fried Chicken
Calories 150kcal
Fried rice 386kcal White rice 200 kcal
A person can successfully manage their body weight by combining a well-balanced diet with regular physical activity . The best duration to exercise is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly , along with strength training at least twice a week . Combining exercise with a healthy diet is more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone . Exercise can increase metabolism by more calories burn in a day . It can also help you maintain and increase lean body mass .
Avoid very low-calorie diet to maintain weight after managing weight loss . If keeping a diet extremely low in calories can change the hormones that control appetite . Thus , it may result in weight gain . The consumption of a moderate amount of protein can be promote since it can satisfy hunger and make a person feel full longer . As a result , it may aid in preventing consumption of junk food or unhealthy snacks . Lastly , remember to include the appropriate amount of carbohydrates in each meal .
Weight loss requires a multifaceted approach that includes dietary changes , increased physical activity , and behavioural support . Consulting healthcare professionals can help tailor a weight loss plan that suits individual needs and make a setting realistic goals lead to sustainable weight loss .
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GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2024