GlobalHealth Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2024 | Page 38

Driving Early Detection :

Driving Early Detection :

Evolving Trends in Health Screening and Imaging in Southeast Asia

“ We use algorithms and AI models that can flag subtle abnormalities often overlooked by the human eye .”
Dr . Leonard Leng

Preventive healthcare in Southeast Asia is rapidly shifting from a reactive approach — treating diseases , towards a more proactive model that leverages advanced imaging and data-driven screenings for earlier intervention . Across the region , clinics and healthcare centers , including Singapore ’ s ATA Medical ( atamed . sg ), are embracing new technologies and tailored strategies to improve patient outcomes .

In a recent audio interview , Dr . Leonard Leng , a medical expert affiliated with ATA Medical , shared in-depth insights into this evolving landscape , underscoring how early detection is becoming the cornerstone of modern healthcare . “ We are seeing a clear move from reactive care to a proactive approach where advanced imaging guides early interventions ,” said Dr . Leng . “ This allows for diseases like cancer , heart disease , and metabolic disorders to be identified before they manifest as overt symptoms , ultimately giving patients a better chance at long-term health .
” This approach resonates across the globe . In North America , services like Prenuvo ( prenuvo . com ) and Ezra ’ s “ Blueprint ” ( ezra . com / blueprint ) offer comprehensive MRI-based screening protocols enriched by AI-driven analytics . Southeast
Asia , however , has its own unique health profile and challenges . According to the World Health Organization , non-communicable diseases ( NCDs ) such as cancer , cardiovascular illnesses , and diabetes account for an estimated 62 % of all deaths in the region . Early detection of these conditions can significantly alter disease trajectories , reduce healthcare costs , and improve quality of life .
Southeast Asia ’ s Rapidly Growing Imaging Market This emerging emphasis on early detection has contributed to a robust growth in Southeast Asia ’ s imaging market . According to a Market Research Future report , the Asia-Pacific diagnostic imaging market is poised to expand at a healthy CAGR of around 6.5 % through 2028 , with countries like Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand , and Vietnam seeing steady increases in imaging utilization . Advances in MRI technology , low-dose CT scans , and molecular imaging techniques are now more widely available . Governments are ramping up screening initiatives — such as population-level checks for diabetes complications or lung cancer screening for high-risk smokers — while private providers aim to integrate imaging services into routine preventive check-ups .
36 ISSUE 6 | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com