Figure 1 : A diagram of the large intestine . The cecum is shown at the head of the large intestine and the appendix is located next to it difficult cases of Clostridium difficile colitis , with cure rates as high as 90 – 95 percent following the administration of a transplant through an enema , colonoscopy , sigmoidoscopy , or endoscopy . This is often used once it is determined that antibiotics are not an effective treatment .
The ecosystem within the gut starts to form shortly after birth as the act of birth along with breastfeeding kicks off the colonisation of the newborn ’ s gut bacteria from the mother . These have a strong influence on the health of the baby ’ s immune system , something that lasts over the course of the baby ’ s life . Incorporation of certain types of bacteria is associated with a decreased risk of allergies and immune dysfunction . Breastfeeding is recommended for at least six months to ensure there is sufficient transfer and buildup of healthy gut flora . here are cases documented where mice that are bred to be free of gut bacteria are more susceptible to immune reactions when compared to regular mice . epithelial cells that line the gut as part of the acidic environment in the intestine . Our gut biome is able to communicate with the epithelial cells to activate immune functions and preserve the physical barrier . The gut biome can also affect the pH of the ecosystem and thus alter the ability to fight off unsuitable pathogens . There is also evidence that certain species of gut flora can produce antimicrobial substances that can fight bacteria such as E . coli and Salmonella .
When gut health is compromised , the immune system can correspond poorly and cause health problems . Leaky gut is a condition where the lining of the intestine becomes damaged , causing undigested food particles , bacteria , and waste products to leak into the blood stream . This not only affects the function of the intestine but also impacts overall well-being . Symptoms of leaky gut include chronic diarrhoea , constipation , gas or bloating , nutritional deficiencies , headaches , brain fog , memory loss , and excessive fatigue .
There are cases documented where mice that are bred to be free of gut bacteria are more susceptible to immune reactions when compared to regular mice . By giving them a fecal transplant ( a solution of saline mixed with healthy fecal matter that is introduced through a colonoscopy ) from a healthy mouse , an improvement is noticed in their immune system .
Such techniques can be applied to human beings as well . A bacteria known as Clostridium difficile can cause colitis , resulting in inflammation in the colon and leading to fever , cramping , and diarrhoea . While the first course of treatment is antibiotics , it is observed that the condition can recur in up to 30 percent of individuals following the completion of medication , with additional relapses reducing the effectiveness of further medication .
Fecal transplants are very effective at treating
Gut bacteria ’ s influence on organ health There is evidence that the gut microbiome may also affect heart health . A recent study of more than 1,000 people found that gut microbes played a key role in promoting good protective HDL cholesterol . Moreover , certain species of gut flora contribute to heart disease by producing the compound tri-methylamine N-oxide ( TMAO ) that contributes to blocked arteries , which may lead to a stroke or heart attack . These bacteria convert choline and L-carnitine ( nutrients found in red meat and animal products ) into TMAO , thus worsening the risk for heart disease .
Another study examined 33 infants with a genetically high risk for developing type 1 diabetes . During the study , it was observed that the level of diversity of the gut microbiome dropped just before the onset of type 1 diabetes set in and that levels of unhealthy bacteria increased . More research is underway , but there is evidence that our bodies ’ ability to process carbohydrates and sugar ties into the ecosystem of our gut bacteria .
Our brain health is also linked to our gut in several ways . Neurotransmitters that are used for signaling across neural cells are produced in multiple locations , including in the gut . For example , serotonin , a neurotransmitter that serves to increase confidence and act as an antidepressant is mainly produced in the gut .
Our digestive system is physically connected to the brain through millions of nerves . The gut microbiome can impact brain health by helping to control the messages that are sent to the brain through these nerves by modulating the interface with these cells and serving as an intermediary when threats come into the system . A few studies have shown that individuals with psychological disorders contain different species of bacteria in their gut compared with those who are healthy , but more research is required to better understand if these are causal or correlative effects .
Nevertheless , it is interesting to note that our gut bacteria links to so many different organs and systems within the body .
38 ISSUE 5 | 2024 GlobalHealthAndTravel . com