Global Health Asia-Pacific September 2022 September 2022 | Page 105


At Mount Elizabeth Hospital ( MEH ), our commitment to patient care is focused on upholding the highest standards of quality and safety while delivering it with empathy .
Taking care of our team , so they can care for our patients
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic , our hospital colleagues and nurses were in a constant state of alert keeping up with the everchanging COVID-19 guidelines . As our commitment to patients is dependent on the human touch they receive during their stay with us , it inspired a campaign to say thank you and salute our healthcare workers . While there are countless patient testimonials that have thanked our doctors , nurses , and colleagues working behind the scenes , we identified one particularly outstanding patient story that was depicted in a film that exemplified our commitment .
While the patient experience is most evident when they are being cared for in our hospital , our attention has extended to improving the digital journeys that aid patients before and after their visits to our hospital . While the pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of businesses around the world , Mount Elizabeth Hospital was no exception . MEH embraced it and charged ahead with improvements to our ongoing digital patient experience initiatives .
Aiding self-discovery We recognised the importance of a credible resource portal that would
Varun Panjwani & Mr Yong Yih Ming
aid self-discovery , especially during the pandemic , as most of Singapore ’ s health-seeking population feared visiting hospitals . Our regional patients , too , had limited access to medical care from our specialists as there were travel restrictions to Singapore during that period .
To mitigate this , we expanded our range of articles available on Health Plus to provide access to up-to-date and accurate health and wellness information , accredited by specialist healthcare practitioners .
Specialist teleconsultation Teleconsultation is unchartered waters for most Singapore-based specialists . We partnered with Doctor Anywhere , a pioneer in teleconsultation , through their app interface for General Practitioner consultations during Singapore ’ s ‘ Circuit Breaker ’ period . We then built a Specialist tab for users of their app to seek second opinions from our Specialists .
Educating the masses online with health financing tools We introduced a Bill Estimator to help guide patients on bill sizes and out-ofpocket costs , taking into account their Integrated Shield plans , and launched a social media channel to support insurance agents in understanding health insurance so they could support queries from their customers .
Cultural inclusiveness Mount Elizabeth Hospital ’ s patients come from countries near and far . Given the rich cultural diversity of our region and the diverse backgrounds of our patients , we are committed to embracing the cultural differences of everyone we serve . For example , our International Patient Services colleagues provide translators on request to mitigate miscommunication during consultations with doctors , particularly during the explanation of key treatments and administrative and billing details . Our hospital wayfinding signs are also in multi-languages to cater to the needs of our key customer groups . Most importantly , all staff attend regular cultural workshops to keep upto-date with commonly used phrases by our international patients to ease any anxieties they might have when receiving care in a foreign country .
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com SEPTEMBER 2022