Who Should Get Accredited ?
Hospitals , Medical Centres , Centres of Excellence , Day Surgery Centres , Chronic Care Facilities , Alternative Care , Imaging and Radiology , Diagnostics and Laboratory , and Specialist Clinics across all spectrums of medical care :
Aesthetics | Dentistry | Cardiology | ENT | Fertility and IVF | OB-GYN | Gastroenterology | Neurology | Oncology | Ophthalmology | Orthopedics | Psychiatrist | Urology ... and more
Hospitals |
Medical Centres |
CoE |
Specialist Clinics |
Day Surgery Centres |
Chronic Care Facilities |
Alternative Care |
Imaging and Radiology |
Diagnostic and Laboratory |
ACHS International Accredited Healthcare Institutions
Why ACHS International ?
With our strong focus on partnership , ACHS International is unique in our approach to quality improvement and offer the following benefits to our member organisations :
Continuous quality improvement offers methodology Evaluating your service and constantly improving your performance .
Value for Money Pricing includes all membership benefits and support services to be paid in instalments over the membership period .
Clinical Indicator Program Complimentary access to the world ’ s largest clinical indicator program ( CIP ) and data benchmarking .
Leading Customer Service Complimentary access to a Coach , Quality Improvement Partner , Member Link organisation , and a comprehensive Member Portal .
Sustainable Improvements Standards focus on safety culture and change management to make long lasting improvements within your organisation .
More Descriptive , Less Prescriptive Standards include descriptive guidance with the flexibility to implement based on service needs .
More Connection Our quality programs have an annual activity to maintain connection with you on your quality improvement journey .
Flexible & Collaborative There are multiple models such as Short Notice and Cluster accreditation to meet your organisational needs .
Contextualised & Localised Our resources and standards include local guides and a growing international assessor cohort .
More Options for More Organisations Our quality programs are designed for all types of organisations based on their readiness in the quality journey .