Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2023 | Page 67

Island Hospital , Penang
�r . �ark �ee , the Chief ��ecutive �fficer of Island Hospital , found that the Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme aligned well with the hospital ’ s vision for growth . “ We conceived the Island �edical City in ���� as our commitment towards taking medical tourism in �alaysia to the ne�t level . This ambitious pro�ect marks the evolution of Island Hospital into a leading regional �uaternary healthcare provider offering the Best in Class to our patients . This vision dovetails perfectly with the goals of the Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme . With the opening of our new facilities , the Peel �ing in ���� , we are poised to achieve our goal of healthcare travellers making up to ��� of our revenue in the ne�t few years ,” he shared .
Mahkota Medical Centre , Malacca
“ We are one of the largest and most comprehensive hospitals in Southern Peninsular Malaysia . The investments we will be making with this programme will further reinforce Mahkota Medical Centre as one of the most reputable referral hospitals across South �ast Asia , and better serve local and regional communities . �ur e�pansion plans include a beautiful seafront location , located in the heart of �elaka , a �N�SC� world heritage site , � said �r . Stanley �am , Chief ��ecutive �fficer of Health �anagement International ( H�I ) �alaysia , the parent company of Mahkota Medical Centre .
Subang Jaya Medical Centre , Selangor
“ We see the Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme as an opportunity for collaboration and growth , not just for Subang Jaya Medical Centre but also for Malaysian healthcare globally . Through this Programme , we hope to contribute strongly to growing the healthcare travel market by at least ��� yearly . �e are e�cited to take our capabilities to the ne�t level to become a premier healthcare travel destination of choice , � said �r . Bryan �in , the hospital ’ s Chief ��ecutive �fficer .
By ���� , the four finalists will reach the midway point of the Acceleration �hase ( ���� to ���� ) of the programme . Throughout this three-year period , the hospitals are granted several incentives . These include fast-track facilitation to support the development milestones , �e�ibility of testing concepts with healthcare technology sandbo� , access to programme mentors�advisors that will assist with programme development , progress assessment and monitoring , as well as a special Investment Ta� Allowance ( ITA ) for �ualifying capital e�penditures .
The iconic Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Programme is set to accelerate industry growth and pave the way for more sustainable and enhanced private healthcare services in the country . The programme ’ s impact e�tends beyond individual finalists , stimulating diverse sectors and contributing to overall industry development . It catalyses a four-fold growth in the travel and tourism industry , providing economic opportunities and elevating Malaysia ’ s private hospitals to global prominence in healthcare travel , ultimately establishing Malaysia as a reputable global healthcare brand .
For more information on Malaysia Healthcare and its services , please visit https :// malaysiahealthcare . org / or visit its social feeds at : www . facebook . com / MHTCMalaysia or at LinkedIn ( Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council ).
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2023