Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2023 | Page 64

One major reason behind the spread of health misinformation is declining trust in science and government .
My team ’ s research and that of others show that social media platforms have become go-to sources for health information , especially among adolescents and young adults . However , many people are not equipped to maneuver the maze of health misinformation .
For example , an analysis of Instagram and TikTok posts from 2022 to 2023 by The Washington Post and the nonprofit news site The ��amination found that the food , beverage and dietary supplement industries paid do�ens of registered dietitian in�uencers to post content promoting diet soda , sugar and supplements , reaching millions of viewers . The dietitians ’ relationships with the food industry were not always made clear to viewers .
Studies show that health misinformation spread on social media results in fewer people getting vaccinated and can also increase the risk of other health dangers such as disordered eating and unsafe sex practices and sexually transmitted infections . Health misinformation has even bled over into animal health , with a ���� study finding that ��� of dog owners surveyed in a nationally representative sample report being skeptical of pet vaccines .
Health misinformation is on the rise One major reason behind the spread of health misinformation is declining trust in science and government . Rising political polarization , coupled with historical medical mistrust among communities that have experienced and continue to experience unequal health care treatment , exacerbates preexisting divides .
The lack of trust is both fueled and reinforced by the way misinformation can spread today . Social media platforms allow people to form information silos with ease ; you can curate your networks and your feed by unfollowing or muting contradictory views from your own and liking and sharing content that aligns with your existing beliefs and value systems .
By tailoring content based on past interactions , social media algorithms can unintentionally limit your exposure to diverse perspectives and generate a fragmented and incomplete understanding of information . Even more concerning , a study of misinformation spread on Twitter analyzing data from ���� to ���� found that falsehoods were ��� more likely to be shared than the truth and spread “ further , faster , deeper and more broadly than the truth ” across all categories of information .
How to combat misinformation The lack of robust and standardized regulation of misinformation content on social media places the difficult task of discerning what is true or false information on individual users . We scientists and research entities can also do better in communicating our science and rebuilding trust , as my colleague and I have previously written . I also provide peer-reviewed recommendations for the important roles that parents / caregivers , policymakers and social media companies can play .
Below are some steps that consumers can take to identify and prevent health misinformation spread :
• ��ec� t�e source . Determine the credibility of the health information by checking if the source is a reputable organization or agency such as the World Health Organization , the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Other credible sources include an established medical or scientific institution or a peer-reviewed study in an academic journal . Be cautious of information that comes from unknown or biased sources .
• ��amine aut�or credentials . Look for �ualifications , e�pertise and relevant professional affiliations for the author or authors presenting the information . Be wary if author information is missing or difficult to verify .
• Pay attention to t�e date . Scientific knowledge by design is meant to evolve as new evidence emerges . Outdated information may not be the most accurate . Look for recent data and updates that contextualize findings within the broader field .
• �ross�reference to determine scienti�c consensus . Cross-reference information across multiple reliable sources . Strong consensus across e�perts and multiple scientific studies supports the validity of health information . If a health claim on social media contradicts widely accepted scientific consensus and stems from unknown or unreputable sources , it is likely unreliable .
• �uestion sensational claims . Misleading health information often uses sensational language designed to provoke strong emotions to grab attention . Phrases like “ miracle cure ,” “ secret remedy ” or “ guaranteed results ” may signal e�aggeration . Be alert for potential con�icts of interest and sponsored content .
• �ei�� scienti�c evidence over individual anecdotes . Prioritize information grounded in scientific studies that have undergone rigorous research methods , such as randomized controlled trials , peer review and validation . When done well with representative samples , the scientific process provides a reliable foundation for health recommendations compared to individual anecdotes . Though personal stories can be compelling , they should not be the sole basis for health decisions .
• �al� �it� a �ealt� care professional . If health information is confusing or contradictory , seek guidance from trusted health care providers who can offer personali�ed advice based on their expertise and individual health needs .
• ��en in doubt� don�t s�are . Sharing health claims without validity or verification contributes to misinformation spread and preventable harm .
All of us can play a part in responsibly consuming and sharing information so that the spread of the truth outpaces the false . n
62 ISSUE 6 | 2023 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com