Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2023 | Page 49

AI in ophthalmology might revolutionise diagnostics and disease monitoring
ophthalmology .
Like in many other areas of medical research , stem cells are widely studied for their potential to produce almost any type of human tissue as a replacement for a diseased one . In ophthalmology , this could mean replacing damaged cells in the retina . According to Dr Hafi� , scientists are already investigating the use of stem cells to regenerate retinal tissues , which could potentially restore vision in conditions like AMD and retinal dystrophie .
A small but ground-breaking study conducted at �oorfields �ye Hospital and the �C� Institute of Ophthalmology in the UK , for example , has shown that injecting a patch of stem cell-derived tissue into the eyes of two patients with severe AMD could lead to significant vision improvements . �In the months before the operation my sight was really poor and I couldn ’ t see anything out of my right eye . I was struggling to see things clearly , even when up-close . After the surgery my eye sight improved to the point where I can now read the newspaper and help my wife out with the gardening , � said ��-year-old �ouglas �aters , one of the patients in the trial , according to a press release .
In addition to stem cells , another promising area is AI , particularly its potential for diagnostic breakthroughs , as the much-touted technology has already shown its ability to outperform humans in analysing different types of health data .
“ The integration of AI in ophthalmology is revolutioni�ing diagnostics and disease monitoring . AI algorithms can analy�e medical imaging data , such as retinal scans , to detect early signs of conditions like diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma , enabling timely intervention , � said �r Hafi� .
Researchers are now feeding massive amounts of health record data into AI systems to test whether computers are able to spot disease patterns that humans can ’ t see . Accurate detection could speed up diagnosis and identify various subsets of patients , for example , who will experience poor outcomes after cataract surgery , who will see their glaucoma progress over time instead of being stable , or who will require a corneal transplant to treat keratoconus , a condition making the cornea ( the dome-shaped part in the front of the eye ) thinner and bulging outward .
“ These research lines represent just a snapshot of the dynamic field of ophthalmic research . Continuous exploration and collaboration within these areas have the potential to lead to groundbreaking developments in the prevention , diagnosis , and treatment of various eye conditions , ultimately improving patient outcomes in eye care , � said �r Hafi� . �n
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2023