Are peanuts healthy ?
They can provide several benefits if consumed without unhealthy additives
Food e�perts often tout the health benefits of nuts like almonds or walnuts , but since peanuts aren ’ t , strictly speaking , in the nut category , people may wonder if they can also play a role in a healthy diet . The short answer is a resounding “ yes ”.
Unlike other nuts , peanuts grow underground and are therefore considered legumes . However , they share many nutritional similarities with nuts . For example , they ’ re also a good source of beneficial nutrients like plant-based proteins , healthy fats , and fibres .
The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanuts , for instance , can help lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol and controlling blood sugar levels , which in turn can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes . Fibres can facilitate bowel movements , preventing constipation and improving colorectal health . Similarly , eating a diet high in plantbased proteins is associated with a reduced risk of death from several chronic diseases .
�ne international study conducted in the �S and China found that people who ate nuts or peanuts were less likely to die from any cause , in particular heart disease , compared to those who didn ’ t eat nuts . In the US participants who regularly ate peanuts , the decrease in the mortality rate stood at �� percent , while those in China saw a �� percent reduction .
“ Nut consumption was associated with decreased overall and cardiovascular disease mortality across different ethnic groups and among individuals from low SES [ socioeconomic status ] groups . Consumption of nuts , particularly peanuts given their general affordability , may be considered a cost-effective measure to improve cardiovascular health ,” the authors wrote in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine . �ne thing to remember is that not all peanuts have the same health potential as some come with unhealthy add-ons , so checking ingredient labels is a good practice to reap the benefits of peanuts . ��nfortunately , the cheapest peanuts are often salted , dry roasted or coated . The salt in these will undo the health benefits of the nuts , � �ictoria Taylor , senior dietitian at the British Heart �oundation , said on its website .
The same is true for peanut butter , another common way peanuts are consumed worldwide , as it can improve one ’ s diet when eaten without unhealthy additives . “ Some brands add sugar , molasses , vegetable oils and even corn syrup , [ which ] basically minimi�e the health value , � �eri Gans , a dietitian nutritionist in New York , told Health .
Another positive of peanut butter is that it can make people feel fuller due to its high protein and fibre content . �Sometimes peanut butter gets a bad [ reputation ] because of its fat content , but fat is an essential component to feeling satisfaction , � �aura Iu , a registered dietitian in New York explained to Health . �This means that having pret�els or fruit with peanut butter can help you feel fuller longer than if you were to �ust eat the pret�els or fruit by itself . �
However , there are also potential drawbacks to peanuts as they can trigger allergies in some people , resulting in skin reactions , itching , difficulty breathing , and digestive problems . In the worst cases , the allergic reaction can lead to anaphyla�is , a life-threatening condition that requires emergency care .
Those not allergic to nuts should consider adding healthy peanuts to their diets .
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2023