Cancer Truth Hurts : A Loved One Has Cancer . Do I Tell the Truth ?
Patients are frequently shielded from critical medical information , leaving them unprepared for the inevitability of death .
Discussing cancer with a loved one can be complex , especially when revealing the diagnosis . We may consider withholding the truth due to concerns about their emotional well-being , fear of depression , loss of motivation , or viewing the diagnosis negatively . These actions stem from a desire to protect , but hiding the truth can be more harmful in the end .
Myth or Fact : “ If left unspoken , he / she remains unaware
A cancer diagnosis often brings about emotional and psychological shifts in both the patient and their family , impacting communication dynamics . Concealing this news may result in noticeable changes in how family members interact with the patient . For example , when the patient asks about physical changes they ’ ve observed , family members might de�ect the �uestion or redirect the conversation . In some cases , the patient might become aware of whispered discussions within the family .
Cancer typically presents noticeable symptoms and physical changes in the patient , such as weight loss , pain , fatigue , or other signs that raise concerns about a severe health issue . Some individuals are highly attuned to their bodies and can sense that something is wrong , even without explicit information . They may pick up on cues hinting at a cancer diagnosis .
During medical appointments or treatments , interactions with other patients may inadvertently reveal the diagnosis . Patients often exchange information and support one another , and a perceptive listener may detect hints pointing to a cancer diagnosis . Additionally , details like the clinic ’ s name , the nature of medical appointments , and overheard discussions in healthcare settings can strongly imply a cancer diagnosis .
As a result of perceived secrecy or manipulation of information about the cancer diagnosis and prognosis , attempts to disguise the purpose of medical visits may become increasingly challenging over time , leading to growing distrust .
24 ISSUE 6 | 2023 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com