Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 6 | 2023 | Page 15


Preserving Sweet Visions : Battle against Diabetic Retinopathy at Eyecentric , BTMC

With over half a billion people worldwide living with diabetes , this chronic disease has firmly established itself as a global health challenge . A recent Lancet report ( ���� ) sends an alarming signal , pro�ecting that this number will double over the ne�t �� years . Among the myriad of complications associated with diabetes , one of the most concerning is diabetic retinopathy . This condition affects appro�imately ��� of those with diabetes and can lead to significant vision impairment and , in some cases , blindness .

Understanding the Four Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy �iabetic retinopathy is a comple� condition that can be divided into four stages , with non-proliferative stages being the most common presentation . These stages include : � . �ild Non-proliferative �iabetic �etinopathy � . �oderate Non-proliferative �iabetic �etinopathy � . Severe Non-proliferative �iabetic �etinopathy � . �roliferative �iabetic �etinopathy
The severity of vision impairment varies across these stages , from no discernible symptoms to progressive visual blurring , black spots , or �oaters , and potentially leading to blindness .
Expert Insights and a Multidisciplinary Approach at Eyecentric �r � Narendran is the Consultant �phthalmologist � �itreoretinal surgeon at �yecentric in Bukit Tinggi �edical Centre ( BT�C ). In BT�C , a comprehensive solution is offered for diabetic retinopathy , from screening to diabetes management . The facilities enable the performance of essential procedures such as eye angiograms , laser treatments , anti-��G� in�ections , and intricate diabetic eye surgeries .
According to �r Naren , in managing diabetic retinopathy , collaboration among medical specialists is paramount . �phthalmologists work closely with healthcare professionals from various disciplines , including endocrinologists , nephrologists , cardiologists , physicians and general practitioners . This teamwork ensures comprehensive disease management , complementing the ophthalmologist ’ s efforts to preserve sight . �atient cooperation
and adherence to medical advice are also essential .
In the early stages of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy , regular follow-up and meticulous monitoring are essential . Collaborative efforts with physicians to control systemic diseases are crucial . When the disease progresses to a severe stage , treatment options come into play . These include laser photocoagulation , anti-��G� in�ections , and , in advanced cases , surgical intervention . Surgery becomes a necessity when confronted with bleeding into the back of the eye , which , if left untreated , may lead to scarring and retinal detachment , ultimately causing blindness .
Embracing a Holistic Approach to Well-being In addition to eye health , maintaining optimal control of blood sugar , blood pressure , and cholesterol levels has far-reaching implications for cardiovascular , renal , and neurological well-being . �edicated dieticians offer guidance on achieving a balanced , healthful diet tailored to individual needs .
�mbracing an active lifestyle , ensuring proper hydration , prioritizing rest and sleep , and adhering to a well-rounded diet are essential steps toward maintaining an overall state of well-being , ready to face the demands of daily life .
Preserving Sight and Health �iabetic retinopathy is a global health crisis that threatens the vision and well-being of millions . �arly detection and a collaborative , multidisciplinary approach are essential for preserving sight . �ffective diabetes management , along with meticulous attention to associated risk factors and regular eye screenings , is imperative for mitigating the impact of diabetic retinopathy . �r . Naren and the team at Bukit Tinggi �edical Centre ’ s �yecentric play a pivotal role in this ongoing battle , offering hope and comprehensive care to individuals affected by diabetic retinopathy . Together , healthcare professionals and patients can stand strong against this silent threat to vision and health .
To know more about Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre , visit https :// bukittinggimedicalcentre . com or call 017-3253888
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 6 | 2023