Global Health Asia-Pacific issue 5 | Page 63

of them would be ‘ steered ’ towards the diagnosis of having anxiety or panic attacks . This is such an unfair stereotype !
These individuals will need the bare minimum of some form of prolonged ECG monitoring eg a Holter monitor . Again , these individuals with palpitations will be best served by the expertise of an EP doctor .
Myth # 3 : I have frequent palpitations and was diagnosed to have an issue with my heart wiring system . I was told that the only option I have is to take lifelong medications . Truth : Depending on the type of heart wiring system issue , most can be treated with the options of medications OR having a type of procedure called Ablation done . Some of the heart wiring issues can even be cured by Ablation ! Yes you heard it ! CURED ! Meaning to say , free from the burden of lifelong medications !
Lifelong medication is a burden to most individuals , especially so in younger persons . In my own experience , most will not even be able to adhere to a fixed 1-week course of antibiotics , let alone lifelong everyday medications !
The option of Ablation will only be available under the care of EP doctors . Talk to your trusted care providers and open up the topic of a possible referral to a qualified EP doctor !
Myth # 4 : But I have heard that Ablation is a high risk procedure which will take many many hours to complete .
Dr . Ma Soot Keng
Island Hospital
Truth : Kid you not , along my years as an EP doctor , there have been so many unique narrations by my own patients on the perceived risks of an Ablation procedure . One patient actually thought that an Ablation procedure is like cutting the “ blue wire ” ( correct one ) vs the “ red wire ” ( wrong one ) in the heart . So it�s �0-�0 . Once the wrong wire being cut , it will be a gone case ! This is far from the truth ! An Ablation procedure carries �1� risks of any ma�or complications and its e�cacy and safety have been enhanced over the years by the use of advanced heart 3D mapping systems !
Owing to the advanced gadgets that modern EP doctors use , the time taken to complete an Ablation procedure is typically within 1 . �hrs - 2hrs .
Myth # 5 : I know Ablation maybe a better option for me but I simply cannot take weeks off my work for a heart operation . I will wait after my retirement then I will have more time . Truth : It may come as a surprise to most , but after an Ablation procedure , patients can be sent home as early as the next day !
The entry wound on the groin is typically similar as a blood-taking wound ( picture ). Most of my patients in my experience can even resume their duties within days .
The issue with waiting for too long ( after retirement for instance ) is that other health problems may ensue and by then an Ablation procedure may not carry the same benefits and risks as compared to when done at an earlier time . My suggestion is do not wait . Make an appointment to see your EP doctor to know your current status and your friendly EP doctor will be able to advise accordingly !
An Ablation procedure carries < 1 % risks of any major complications and its efficacy and safety have been enhanced over the years by the use of advanced heart 3D mapping systems !
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com ISSUE 5 | 2023