Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 5 | 2022 Issue 5 | 2022 | Page 24

Holistic Health

Can we beat jet lag ?

While much can be done to minimise its risk , there ’ s no guarantee of preventing it

Travelling to far-away places is often exciting and laden with new things to discover , but one common downside that can ruin a long-hauler ’ s plans is jet lag , a feeling of tiredness and confusion that often affects travellers after a long flight . It typically disrupts normal sleep patterns and can cause lack of concentration and mood changes .

Though there are no tricks to fully prevent it , longhaulers can still take certain steps to reduce the risk of jet lag and fully enjoy their journey .
The US CDC recommends people start adjusting their sleep habits a few days before getting on the plane to match the time zone at their destination . Those who travel west should go to sleep an hour or two later than usual for several days before departure , while those travelling east should do it one or two hours earlier .
The same goes for eating patterns , with travellers advised to adjust them to the schedule of their destination . In addition , eating small meals before travelling could also help avoid jet lag as one of its signs is stomach aches or problems .
During the flight , long-haulers should move their bodies as much as possible to reduce the severity of future jet lag symptoms , according to the Cleveland Clinic . This includes walking around the cabin and doing exercises on your seat , like rolling your feet ,
raising your knees , turning your head , and swinging your arms overhead . They should also avoid alcohol as it disrupts sleep and drink lots of water .
On arrival , travellers should immediately eat and sleep according to local times , if possible . They should also stick to their exercise routine but avoid working out late in the evening since this could keep them awake , according to MedlinePlus . Staying out in the sun is also good practice as it helps reset the internal clock regulating the sleep cycle .
The hormone supplement melatonin might also help lessen the impact of jet lag , but its benefits and safety are still unclear , according to the Cleveland Clinic . Travellers should therefore consult their healthcare provider about the pros and cons of taking melatonin supplements for jet lag .
Despite all these preventive measures , travellers can still suffer from jet lag , so they should arrive at their destination a few days before any important event to acclimatise to the new time zone .
If jet lag hits you , it will usually last for a few days following your arrival at the new destination , but some people can feel its effects for a week . If symptoms persist or get worse for more than one week after your arrival , you should contact your healthcare provider , the Cleveland Clinic recommends .
Those who travel west should go to sleep an hour or two later than usual for several days before departure , while those travelling east should do it one or two hours earlier .
22 ISSUE 5 | 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com