Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 3 | Page 74



DC Healthcare Holdings Berhad stands out as a renowned entity in the aesthetic , healthcare and wellness sectors in Malaysia . Within our expansive portfolio , we proudly encompass three distinct pillars : Dr Chong Clinic , a premier destination for aesthetic and skin transformation ; 1 0 Drs , where we craft premium personaliz ed skincare solutions ; and DC Body , our latest venture aimed at assisting customers in achieving their desired physiq ue at our upscale wellness and weight management center . U nder this overarching umb rella , DC Healthcare Holdings Berhad has �ourished , emerging as the leading entity committed to estab lishing innovative standards in the realms of aesthetic healthcare .
Historic Milestone T he culmination of our remarkab le advancement was marked b y a historic event on July 1 7 , 2023 , when DC Healthcare Holdings Berhad achieved a significant milestone by becoming pub licly listed on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia . As the inaugural and sole aesthetic clinic chain to achieve this listing , we cemented our position as trailb laz ers and estab lished a benchmark for others in the fiercely competitive aesthetic healthcare industry .
Our Exceptional Team Central to our success is our team of over 40 medical resident doctors at Dr Chong Clinic , including 10 LCP Certified Medical Aesthetic P hysicians . T his makes us the clinic with the highest
Dr . Chong Tze Sheng
numb er of aesthetically trained resident doctors in any healthcare group . E very procedure , whether non-invasive or minimally invasive , is conducted solely b y medical professionals , ensuring the highest standards of care .
Our rob ust Research and Development committee , composed of 10 LCP certified doctors , a former Deputy Health Director G eneral ( medical ) from the Ministry of Health , and experienced healthcare administrators , oversees the efficacy and safety of our treatments . T his ensures our services meet the evolving preferences of our clientele .
Expanding Our Network Our network includes 1 7 Dr Chong Clinic outlets and 4 DC Body outlets strategically positioned throughout Malaysia , extending our expertise to diverse communities .
DC Body emb odies our holistic dedication to wellness , offering specializ ed weight management services crafted by certified nutritionists and co-developed with medical professionals from Dr Chong Clinic . These expansions re�ect our commitment to extending our expertise to a wider community .
Innovative Skincare Solutions T o expand our aesthetic offerings , we introduced 1 0 Drs , specializ ing in top-tier skincare products . In 2023 , 1 0 Drs partnered with Japan ’ s largest skincare OE M manufacturer to develop a uniq ue line of skincare products using a proprietary raw material , making it the only company in Malaysia to do so . This collaboration marks a significant milestone as we pioneer this innovative material in the Malaysian market .
Mission and Legacy Our mission is to elevate the aesthetic b eauty industry to the level of aesthetic healthcare . Re�ecting on eight years of accomplishments , Dr Chong Clinic remains a b eacon of innovation and excellence . Our dedication to enhancing medical aesthetic , healthcare , and wellness journeys is the driving force b ehind our success . Join us in celeb rating our cutting-edge treatments and state-of-the-art machines , which define the essence of DC Healthcare Holdings Berhad ’ s transformative legacy . E mb ark on a journey to radiant b eauty and holistic well-b eing with us .
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