Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 3 | Page 69



A Closer Look at Royal IVF Clinic - Bali Royal Hospital Royal IV F Clinic is one of the pioneers of IV F care in Bali . Considered as one of the reputab le IV F Clinics in Bali , Royal IV F Clinic - Bali Royal Hospital is eq uipped with advanced lab oratories , modern eq uipment , and a dedicated team of emb ryologists and fertility specialists . T his comb ination of technology and expertise creates an environment conducive to successful fertility treatments .
Experienced , Compassionate and Caring T he foundation of Bali Royal Hospital ’ s IV F Clinic is its team of experienced , compassionate , and caring professionals . Royal IV F Clinic consists of specialists from relevant medical disciplines such as Ob stetricians , Andrologists , U rologists and E mb ryologists to assist patients with fertility related prob lems . Royal IV F Clinic provides services tailored to the patient ’ s condition and preferences . T his holistic approach ensures that individuals and couples feel supported throughout their fertility journey .
Comprehensive Fertility Services T he IV F clinic at Bali Royal Hospital offers a comprehensive range of fertility services . Starting from examination , collection ( ME SA , P E SA , T E SA , T E SE ) , storage ( Freez ing and T hawing ) and insemination ( ICSI , IMSI ) . In 2024 , the Royal IV F Clinic will have a P G T -A examination to detect and analyz e emb ryo chromosomes b efore transfer into the uterus . T he P G T -A examination ,
Dr . dr . Ida Bagus Putra Adnyana , Sp . OG ( K ) -FER
which was previously carried out b y referral to Jakarta , this year can b e carried out in person at the Royal IV F Clinic . T ailoring treatment plans to meet each patient ’ s uniq ue needs , Royal IV F Clinic treats a wide range of infertility prob lems with precision and care .
Patient-Centric Approach Recogniz ing the emotional and physical challenges of infertility , Royal IV F - Bali Royal Hospital adopts a patient-centric approach . From the initial consultation to the post-treatment follow-ups , Royal IV F Clinic prioritiz es clear communication , emotional support , and education . T his focus on the patient ’ s well-b eing contrib utes to a more positive and empowering fertility journey . T he Royal IV F Clinic also offers Homecare Services for patient after emb ryo transplant ( E T ) b y assigning a nurse that will help throughout the span of the program .
High Success Rates Royal IV F Clinic - Bali Royal Hospital prides itself on achieving high success rates in assisted reproductive treatments . With �� , �� success rate in 2023 and positive patient experience , Royal IV F Clinic is highly regarded as a trusted IV F provider in Bali . T he comb ination of skilled professionals , advanced technologies , and a commitment to excellence positions the clinic as a leader in reproductive medicine in Bali . Patients can find confidence in the clinic ’ s track record of helping couples realiz e their dreams of parenthood .
Royal IV F Clinic - Bali Royal Hospital ( BROS ) : https :/ / royalivfclinic . b aliroyalhospital . co . id / en /
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024