Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 3 | Page 47

Dr . Wasu Kamchaisatian Dr . Nisarat Jaidee
Nicolas Leloup internationally trained medical staff , state-of-the-art medical technology , and commitment to patient care and safety . Here are some reasons why Samitivej Hospital stands out�
• Medical Expertise� Samitivej Hospital is known for having a highly qualified team of doctors , nurses , and healthcare professionals , many of whom have received international training . T his ensures that patients receive care that meets glob al standards .
• Wide Range of Specialties� The hospital offers a b road spectrum of medical services , from general health check-ups to specializ ed treatments and surgeries , including cardiology , oncology , orthopedics , pediatrics , and cosmetic surgery , among others .
• �uality and Accreditation� Samitivej Hospital has received international accreditation , such as from the �oint Commission International ( �CI ), which is a testament to its commitment to maintaining high standards of care and patient safety .
• Innovative Technology� The hospital is eq uipped with advanced medical technology and facilities , enab ling it to offer innovative treatments and diagnostic services .
• Patient Care and Services� Samitivej Hospital is well-regarded for its patient-centered approach , providing comprehensive support services , including interpretation services ,
international patient services , and comfortab le accommodations , making it a preferred choice for b oth local and international patients .
• Research and Education� The hospital is also involved in medical research and education , contrib uting to the advancement of medical science and the training of future healthcare professionals .
As a result , Samitivej Hospital has b een recogniz ed and awarded multiple awards�
Samitivej Hospital Wins P restigious Awards for Leadership in Innovation � �Future Trends Ahead & Awards �0�� ,’ the b est trendsetter of the year awards were presented to individuals who pioneered new innovations .
• �The Best of CEO People Leader ’ Award for Its Beyond textbook Approach to Human Resources and Sustainab ility
• Bangkok GREEN & CLEAN Hospital Plus ( BKKGC� ) Award for the year 2023
• Asia Responsib le E nterprise Award for “ Happy Healthy T ogether ” P rogram
• AIA Hospital Awards �0��
• The first hospital outside the United States and Canada to have received the Geriatrics Emergency Department Accreditation ( GEDA ) Silver Level from the American College of E mergency P hysicians , effective November 1� , �0��
• Samitivej takes home 2 awards for outstanding services at the 2023 Allianz Ayudhya Hospital Service Awards
• Thailand Best Employer Brand Awards 2022 – Samitivej P ub lic Company Limited has won the Best Employer Award at the �Thailand Best Employer Brand Awards �0�� ,’ created by the World HRD Congress working alongside the Stars in the Industry Group , in recognition of Thai organiz ations that have achieved success in the field of human resource management .
• Samitivej Children ’ s Hospital has won the “ Specialty Hospital of the Y ear ” award , a guarantee of our international standard of care , presented at the 2022 Healthcare Asia Awards
• Samitivej Hospital has won the COVID Management Initiative of the �ear Award for our efficiency and safety in dealing with the COVID-1� pandemic at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022
• Samitivej Children ’ s Hospital receives the E xcellence Award in the T alent Development category� “ PEM-STAR� � A Novel Program to Enhance P ediatric E mergency Medicine T raining in T hailand — from Hospital Management Asia Awards 2022 , which guarantees its international standard
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024