Healthy eating system to lead a life not just of greater duration , but of superior quality — a life lived to its fullest .
Regular exercise is another important component of a healthy lifestyle .
Q : Can you talk about your health routine and explain why you chose it to stay healthy ? A : My daily routine is simple , and I owe much of its success to my dog ’ s love for structure , a sentiment I have come to share wholeheartedly . I try to get a whole night ’ s rest and maintain a consistent sleep schedule , going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day . I start my mornings by taking my dog out for a brisk walk or jog , and then we both eat a breakfast full of fruits . ( �es , she gets some fruits too� ) It is a refreshing start and sets a tone of wellness for the day . I have invested an hour exercising and eating well , and I do not want to let that go to waste , so I am motivated to continue making healthy choices throughout the day .
I also go to the gym several days a week to do weight training , which is great for my muscles and bones . In the evening , my dog and I go for another long walk . She keeps me on my feet , and the constant activity reinforces my commitment to eating well and maintaining my health regimen .
Medicine cannot cure everything . stress on all the organs and tissues in the body , causing long-term damage . Similarly , diets high in processed and inflammatory foods ( such as red meat ) can exacerbate the symptoms of allergic diseases .
Conversely , a healthy diet can be a potent ally . For example , individuals with rheumatoid arthritis , an autoimmune disease , have shown symptom improvement when consuming a diet rich in fibre and phytochemicals , such as eating more leafy greens . Nutritious foods can be instrumental in managing autoimmune diseases and allergies .
Medicine cannot cure everything . The limitations of medicine are evident in the management of chronic conditions , like autoimmune diseases and allergies , where treatments primarily aim to manage symptoms . While necessary to control autoimmune diseases , these treatments , such as immune-suppressing drugs , increase the risk of infections , cancers , and other diseases .
We also cannot cure more common illnesses like the cold or the flu . We can take medication to feel better , but ultimately , our recovery relies on the strength of our immune system — a force that is nurtured and empowered by our dietary habits . If our immune system is not up to par , it does not matter what doctors do ; we will be in deep trouble . Currently , no medication can substitute for the immune-boosting potential of a healthy diet . Our diet is the unsung hero in the narrative of health , the cornerstone upon which our body ’ s defenses are built and sustained . Through mindful nutrition , we can harness the power of our immune
Q : Many people often struggle to maintain a healthy diet for the long term . What is your advice on having a healthy diet on a daily basis while still enjoying food ? A : A healthy diet is less about the food and more about cultivating a lifestyle . The allure of fad diets is strong , with their promises of quick fixes and miraculous results , but true health is not a one-sizefits-all formula . The real challenge is not fighting off hunger or counting every calorie . It is the selfintrospection required to initiate honest change . True health is a personal journey , not a preset destination . People falter with their diets because they do not enjoy them . They become trapped in a cycle of starting , stopping , and restarting diets . Think about those New �ear ’ s resolutions�how many are actually kept ? It is time to remove our rose-tinted glasses and confront the truth .
It is uncomfortable to see ourselves as lacking the conviction or self-control for a healthy diet . And you know what ? That is okay . There is profound freedom in acknowledging our flaws . Being honest means admitting our struggles , whether snacking less or exercising more . Then , we can begin the next step — setting realistic goals .
A healthy diet ’ s essence is its longevity . While some people can switch from a carnivore fast-food diet to a herbivore vegan diet overnight , for most of us , such drastic changes are not sustainable . Transitioning from fried to baked chicken , from regular to baked fries , and eventually embracing vegetables like
60 ISSUE 1 | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com