Global Health Asia-Pacific Issue 1 | 2024 | Page 47

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Behind you every step of the way

Dr Jenson ( seated , middle ) and his dedicated team at Curie Oncology KL
March marks the observance of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month , a crucial time dedicated to raising awareness about one of the most prevalent yet preventable and treatable forms of cancer . Preventable through living a healthy lifestyle and regular screening . Treatable with the numerous options ; targeted and conventional that are now available as compared to a decade ago . As with most diseases , seeking early treatment at the first signs of unusual bowel activities often translates to a higher possibility of obtaining a cure .
Colorectal cancer may not cause symptoms in its early stages , which underscores the importance of screening . However , as the disease progresses , symptoms may include changes in bowel habits , rectal bleeding or blood in the stool , persistent abdominal discomfort such as cramps or pain , weakness or fatigue , unintended weight loss , and a feeling that the bowel does not empty completely .
The American Cancer Society recommends that individuals at average risk for colorectal cancer begin regular screening at age 45 . However , those with increased risk factors may need to start screening at an earlier age and undergo more frequent screenings .
During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and beyond , individuals can take several actions to support the fight against colorectal cancer :
1 . Screening : Schedule a screening or encourage loved ones to get screened for colorectal cancer .
2 . Spread Awareness : Share information about colorectal cancer , its risk factors , symptoms , and screening options with family , friends , and communities .
3 . Lead a Healthy Lifestyle : Adopt healthy habits such as regular exercise , a balanced diet , avoiding smoking , and moderating alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer .
4 . Support Research and Advocacy : Contribute to organizations dedicated to colorectal cancer research , patient support , and advocacy efforts .
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection , prevention , and advocacy in the fight against colorectal cancer . By raising awareness , promoting screening , and supporting research , individuals and communities can make strides in reducing the burden of this disease and improving outcomes for those affected by it . Let us unite in spreading awareness and taking action to prevent colorectal cancer and save lives .
Dr Jenson works as a clinical oncologist in Curie Oncology KL at Cengild G . I Medical Centre . He treats solid tumour cancers and have a focused interest in gastrointestinal tumours ; oesophageal , stomach , hepatobiliary , pancreas and colorectal . With the landscape of cancers continuously evolving , Dr Jenson ’ s ultimate goal is to increase the patient ’ s chance of a cure . Together with Dr Choo Su Pin , a renowned global expert in gastrointestinal cancer from Curie Oncology Singapore , Curie Oncology KL practises cutting edge science in cancer care ensuring that each patient receives the most appropriate and personalised treatment possible . In Curie Oncology , we believe in a holistic cancer care approach that puts patient dignity as priority . We strive to achieve this with our team of medical professionals and allied healthcare working in tandem to bring the best to every one of our patients .