Global Health Asia-Pacific December 2020 December 2020 | Page 80



With a score of specialists carrying out more than 10 paediatric sub-specialities , Prince Court Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur provides one of the widest range of services in Asia relating to children ’ s health , development , and wellbeing .
Its strength in paediatric health singled it out once again for the Global Health Asia-Pacific Award for Paediatric Service Provider of the Year in the Asia-Pacific .
“ Prince Court Medical Centre is proud to receive this award for the third consecutive year since 2018 . As one of the hospital ’ s centres of excellence , our paediatric service has become an entrusted one-stop centre that offers comprehensive services and is supported by a complete facility for labour and delivery ,” said Mahenthiran Thanapal , Prince Court ’ s chief operating officer .
The hospital aims to become the premier child referral centre in Malaysia across niche services such as neonatology , intensive care , metabolism conditions , genetics , and developmental paediatrics .
Other paediatric sub-specialities that are supported by conventional specialities across the hospital include cardiology , neurology , nephrology , dermatology , ophthalmology , ENT , and orthopaedics .
Prince Court ’ s facilities include dedicated paediatric wards , labour rooms , NICU beds , and a nursery equipped with safety and security systems , including RFID infant protection measures and a process to track and monitor newborn movements .
Dr Anthony James Mansul and Mahenthiran Thanapal
Its labour room is staffed by dedicated nurses with post-basic midwifery neonatal resuscitation certification . Each has attended 20-hour breastfeeding courses .
“ Our mission is to provide paediatric care and services to international standards so that both Malaysian and international paediatric patients will benefit from our up-to-date medical care , technology , and facilities ,” said Mahenthiran . “ Because we provide a one-stop centre , children come here and see all the doctors at Prince Court within their various sub-specialities . That is the biggest advantage .”
In this way , it is common for one entire family to visit Prince Court in Malaysia from overseas to seek both urgent and elective treatment for each of the family member at the same time .
For example , while the father might seek treatment from Prince Court ’ s orthopaedic specialists for a chronic sports injury and the mother might make use of the hospital ’ s health screening services , their children could also be treated by a paediatric ophthalmologist or dermatologist .
“ They come here knowing that we are a one-stop centre for both children and adults . It ’ s like they are being supported by a functional ecosystem , from paediatrics all the way right up to adult care . Any problems a patient has or the family has , we have the medical and diagnostic expertise to meet their clinical needs ,” said Mahenthiran .
“ We aim to provide comprehensive services that offer screenings , diagnostics , and therapeutics at international standards . We continuously introduce new techniques and medical advances in order to maintain the reputation of Prince Court as an internationally renowned medical establishment .”
78 DECEMBER 2020 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com