HN Tay ENT Head & Neck Thyroid Sleep Robotic Surgery is a practice committed to offering patients comprehensive , personalised diagnostic and treatment options , including cutting edge , advanced treatments on par with those offered in top notch facilities around the world . The practice aims to provide a one-stop solution for patients and achieve the best outcome . Beyond routine treatment of common ear , nose , and throat conditions , the centre also offers advanced treatments using minimally invasive endoscopic and robotic options .
For thyroid nodules and cancers , the practice uses on-site ultrasound and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for one-stop diagnosis . Beyond routine open neck surgery , minimally invasive options with no neck scarring are also available , including the transoral endoscopic approach ( incision in the mouth ) and the hybrid endoscopic robotic axillary approach ( small incisions in the armpit ). The medical director , Dr Tay Hin Ngan , has been performing the former since 2015 and the latter since 2009 and has taught and proctored numerous surgeons both locally and internationally .
To shrink benign thyroid nodules and even destroy thyroid cancers in patients unfit for surgery , ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation ( RFA ) is available . This minimally invasive treatment can be performed under local or general anaesthesia .
For throat cancers ( pharynx or larynx ), the practice offers da Vinci transoral robotic surgery ( TORS ), which helps patients avoid complications ,
Dr HN Tay
long recovery times , difficulty eating , and other problems associated with open surgery , such as requiring either sawing open the jaw or cutting a hole in the neck and repairing it with a flap . TORS , with magnification and dexterous instruments , allows the tumour to be removed from the inside , maintaining maximal speech and swallowing function . Compared to radiation or combination chemotherapy with radiation , the treatment duration is much shorter , and surrounding normal tissue is unaffected . Even for advanced cancer where chemotherapy and radiation are required after surgery , removal of the cancer allows the dose to be reduced , limiting side effects . For cancer of the nasopharynx , nose , and sinuses , minimally invasive options using endoscopic surgery and robotic surgery are also available . Transnasal endoscopic nasopharyngeal or skullbase surgery avoids a large and mutilating facial incision and sawing open of facial bones , which results in better function , in addition to the obvi- ous cosmetic advantage . For tumours invading through the skullbase , combined surgery with a neurosurgeon , either entirely endoscopically through the nose or in combination with a scalp incision , are available as well .
For other tumours in the head and neck , like salivary gland tumours or metastatic cancer to the lymph nodes , the practice offers open or robot assisted surgery with the incision hidden behind the ear or in the hairline , allowing patients to resume normal activity and work earlier , without an obvious neck scar . This minimises or removes the stigma of surgery and helps patients maintain privacy with regard to their medical history .
For obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ), the practice offers a one-stop evaluation where patients can undergo endoscopy to identify the location of obstruction and arrange for an inpatient or outpatient sleep study to confirm the diagnosis . Comprehensive OSA surgery is offered , including nasal and palatal surgery , transoral robotic surgery for tongue base obstruction and maxillo-mandibular advancement , in collaboration with an oral maxillofacial surgeon .
With expertise and deep experience in the use of minimally invasive endoscopic and robotic surgical techniques , HN Tay ENT Head & Neck Thyroid Sleep Robotic Surgery has remained at the forefront of medical science and technology . Its dedication to improving patient safety and outcomes has helped numerous patients lead as normal a life as possible , even after major surgery .
30 DECEMBER 2021 - JANUARY 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com