Digital technology has advanced so rapidly these past few years . Using it wisely and systematically in dentistry can bring immense benefits to patients and practitioners thereby improving long-term healthcare by leaps and bounds .
Better diagnostic ability Being able to diagnose an existing condition is of course very important and digital dentistry does help visualisation of actual disease with the help of digital x-rays , decay detection scans and intra oral cameras . This will help treat the condition and repair damage that has occurred .
Anticipating future problems However , to take a big step further , being able to anticipate threats to your teeth and mouth by monitoring changes is even more important as this would lead to preventive action rather than actual invasive treatment . Technology has made this possible by allowing software to record a patient ’ s current condition and this information can be used to detect changes over time . Using superimposition and time
A Diagnocam used to detect caries between teeth without using x-rays
Dr Suresh Nair & Ms Cindy
lapse images , changes to teeth and gums can be visualised . Scanners like Itero allow us to digitize a person ’ s jaws accurately and repeated scans can be used to observe changes over time and take action to stave off possible future complications in an easier , painless and much more economical way .
Multi consultant discussions Although it sounds wonderful and we see on TV how different specialists come together to discuss cases , the reality is that it is extremely challenging to get experts together at the same time . Even with tele consults , real time discussions are very difficult to schedule . With digital technology though , all the relevant images , diagnostic visuals and opinions can be seen in one place and commented on to reach a conclusion that is best for the patient . Without the constraints of time and data , our experts are able to give thoughtful opinions based on full information
and collaborate to give the best collective opinion , options and treatment plans for the patient .
Digital dentistry gives more treatment options Digital smile design is an example of how digital dentistry has excelled . With just a scan taken with our Itero scanner , we are able to assess and plan teeth movement and also to visualise the final result . This plan can be executed without a single impression and without the patient wearing braces . The progress can be monitored digitally and even remotely with an app , giving greater control over the outcome of the treatment .
Digital Smile Design is another example where the scanner is used in conjunction with photos and videography to design smiles curated to each individual .
We embrace the changes that technology has brought to dentistry and constantly strive to identify and educate ourselves on these technology as well as to use them in our daily practice .
24 DECEMBER 2021 - JANUARY 2022 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com