Global Health Asia-Pacific Best Hospitals Awards 2021 | Page 49



Central to Mount Elizabeth Hospital ’ s Otorhinolaryngology department is a team of more than 60 skilled specialists who are trained to clinically diagnose and manage diverse conditions , and perform complex head and neck surgeries .
These ear , nose and throat ( ENT ) specialists are supported by modern facilities and an experienced allied health team to deliver optimal care and achieve positive patient outcomes .
Faced with the unique challenges of the pandemic environment , otorhinolaryngologists at Mount Elizabeth Hospital ( MEH ) remain committed to providing personalised medical care for each patient , from diagnosis to treatment and recovery . Even as the COVID-19 pandemic has called for a tight rein on global travel , they continue to look after the needs of overseas patients instead of letting them fall by the wayside .
To this end , the hospital has launched an initiative to provide educational webinars on key conditions and self-management given the disruption to access of medical services , as well as offer medical opinion on complex medical cases via virtual platforms .
For patients closer to home , MEH offers a comprehensive suite of diagnostic , treatment and surgical services . Besides managing a wide range of conditions afflicting the ear , nose , throat , face , head and neck – such as hearing loss , nasal allergy , sinusitis and obstructive sleep apnoea – the otorhinolaryngology team also has expertise in treating head and neck cancers such as nasopharynx cancer , neck lumps and thyroid cancers .
Benign and malignant tumours in the head and neck region are best evaluated with specialised diagnostic tools , which is why MEH provides effective imaging technology such as PET-MRI , which enhances the detection and assessment of tumours . This is complemented by other established diagnostic procedures including ultrasound , Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ( FNAC ), nasal endoscopy and biopsies .
In addition to strong diagnostic capabilities , MEH also has an experienced and highly-skilled team of surgeons who specialise in thyroid surgery , parotid surgery , submandibular gland surgery , surgery for oral tumours and nasopharyngeal cancer , and robotic surgery .
Of particular note is MEH ’ s expertise in robotic surgery . Thyroid tumours can be difficult to reach surgically . Traditional surgical removal ( thyroidectomy ) entails a large incision in the neck , long hospital stays and extensive rehabilitation . But this results in a permanent neck scar , which can be distressing for some patients and result in a negative impact on their quality of life . At MEH , robotic thyroidectomy was developed to help achieve the goal of
minimal scarring . Robotic thyroidectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves removing a part of , or the entire thyroid gland through a small incision in the patient ’ s armpit . This is done with the assistance of the da Vinci ® Surgical System , which makes full use of the tight surgical space by utilising its four articulated robotic arms and a high-performance vision system . It provides magnified images of the surgical site and mirrors the surgeon ’ s movements , thereby enabling the surgeon to operate with accuracy and dexterity .
The benefits of robotic thyroidectomy include not only minimal visible scars on the neck , but also shorter recovery times and a reduced risk of anterior neck numbness , laryngeal ( voice box ) nerve damage and affected parathyroid glands .
With its modern technology and facilities , skilled multidisciplinary team and conducive environment , MEH is well-poised to provide ENT patients with a continuum of care , giving them peace of mind on the road to recovery .
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com NOVEMBER 2021