As a pioneer in radiation oncology services and facilities , SJMC has been constantly updating and upgrading the radiation oncology facilities with latest clinically proven treatment hardware and software through the years to ensure that evidence-based radiotherapy services are provided to patients . New technology is constantly studied and reviewed for clinical implementation for the benefit of patients . For example , the purchase of an Intraoperative Radiotherapy System and Software for planning of multiple brain metastases .
To deliver precise radiotherapy , the centre also carries out highly precise and complex radiation treatment planning based on established and clinically proven protocols from the internationally recognized RTOG ( Radiation Therapy Oncology Group ) clinical protocols for radiotherapy of different kinds of cancers . RTOG clinical protocols are based on multi-centre radiation therapy research and clinical trials that systematically test novel radiotherapy approaches against cancer . The centre also subscribes to a stringent quality assurance programme that complies to local regulatory and international standards .
Furthermore , to ensure daily radiotherapy is reproduced & delivered accurately with submillimetre precision , image verification technology is used for all patients . These include 2D portal imaging , Cone Beam CT ( 3D imaging ), Exactrac KV Image Guidance and 3D MV Imaging . This arsenal of imaging capabilities within the radiotherapy treatment systems allows precise matching of daily treatment with the planned treatment .
This culminates in high patient survival outcomes as evidenced in real world survival data that establishes SJMC ’ s survival outcome results as comparable to the best in the field globally . For this reason , the 2021 Global Health APAC award for Oncology ( Radiation ) Service Provider of the Year was bestowed on SJMC .
SJMC introduced its robotic rehabilitation equipment and service in mid-2020 . Through novel application of robotics technology , the rehabilitation process becomes an effective adjunct to therapy in individuals suffering from motor impairments . Individuals with neurological or musculoskeletal conditions benefit from the use of a lower extremity-powered exoskeleton such as Keeogo , especially for gait training ; Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation ( NMES ) to provide continuous stimulation to assist in motor nerves and muscles rehabilitation ; electromyography ( EMG ), a robotic glove that assists a movement upon detecting the patient ’ s intention to move ; EMG Triggered Stimulation ( ETS ) to provide external stimulation upon detection of muscle contraction ; and the M2 Fourier that uses motors in two planes and a haptic feedback system to enable the robot to support or challenge the user via 4 modular programs . The provision of robotic rehabilitation services earned SJMC the Global Health APAC 2021 award for Robotic Rehabilitation Service Provider of the Year in the Asia-Pacific .
The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of the healthcare ecosystem acting as one to secure the health and safety of all citizens . The Malaysian public healthcare system had been inundated with thousands of cases , with the third wave hitting late last year . Public hospitals and quarantine centres reached full capacity , with reports of equally overwhelmed front liners at the forefront of the scene . In response to the Ministry of Health ’ s appeal to the private sector to assist in fighting the prolonged battle , and to address the needs of patients with COVID-19 of sufficient severity to seek medical help , SJMC willingly committed to support the Ministry by agreeing to receive referrals and dedicating a ward , isolation units and ICU beds to help alleviate the strain on the public healthcare system .
The hospital is always receptive to greater integration of capabilities and capacities to manage the COVID-19 crisis . To further ease the burden on the public healthcare infrastructure and as the country ramped up the national immunisation programme , SJMC became among the first COVID-19 vaccination centres in the private sector to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to front liners and the public under the programme .
From being committed in its latest efforts to become a greener hospital in support of Planet Earth , to delivering high-demand services required by the public including telemedicine , and targeting integrated care and wellness options and more , SJMC aims to continue being the first choice for all patients .