Global Health Asia-Pacific August 2021 August 2021(clone) | Page 69

Once detected and the cancer is found to be early , there are two modalities of treatment . The first techniques , EM� ( Endoscopic Mucosal �esection ) or ESD ( Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection ), are used when the cancer cells have been found only in the first layer of the stomach lining . They involve a gastroscopy to dissect off the superficial stomach lining where the cancer cells were identified . However , if the cancer has penetrated beyond the first layer , then surgery needs to be performed to remove part or all of the stomach with radical clearance of all the surrounding tissue ( lymphatics ). This surgery is called D2 �astrectomy .
Medical treatment with new surgical techniques has come hand in hand with advancements in technology . For instance , keyhole , or laparoscopic , surgery can now be used to remove the stomach . Traditional surgery relied on a large incision , but the minimally invasive keyhole surgery uses a few small holes . By using such small incisions , there ’ s far less trauma and much shorter hospital stays , as well as smaller wounds , faster recovery , less pain , less blood loss , and fewer complications .
After surgery , further treatment may be required in the form of chemotherapy , which will increase the chance of cure and survival . The new field of immunotherapy , where we boost the body ’ s own immune system , is currently used for stage 4 disease , with other promising developments looming on the horizon .
Survival is very much dependent on the stage of the cancer ( see graph ), and with prevention and early diagnosis , the outcome is far better and ensures the greatest chance of survival with a fruitful and healthy life . This again reiterates the need for awareness , with everyone being vigilant and mindful of any symptoms . Stay healthy and safe .
Dr Kan Yuk Man is a senior consultant surgeon specialised in surgical oncology at Farrer Park Hospital and Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore .
GlobalHealthAndTravel . com AUGUST 2021