GHT Awards 2024 C | Page 67



E stab lished in 2003 , Datuk Dr . Siow Seng Choon ’ s E ar Nose & T hroat Specialist ( DrSiowE NT ) clinic has b ecome the clinic of choice for E NT - related conditions in the region of Johor Bahru , Singapore , and Indonesia .
DrSiowE NT clinic is eq uipped with state-of-the-art eq uipment to provide safe and accurate screening and diagnosis of E ar , Nose and T hroat illnesses , which enab les effective planning and treatment , either through medical or surgical approaches b y utiliz ing a complete range of highdefinition rigid nasal endoscopes or �exible video endoscope with Narrow Band Imaging technology for the assessment of hard to reach nose and throat diseases or early cancer detection like nasopharyngeal carcinoma . U sing a special method called V ideostrob oscopy to visualiz e vocal fold vib ration , an essential tool for voice assessment , the recordings of the vocal fold vib ration pattern are analyz ed and shared with a speech language pathologist to guide during the treatment .
E ar assessments are a critical component of evaluating overall ear health , particularly for hearing , b alance , and ear health concerns at all ages . T hese assessments thoroughly examine the external , middle , and inner ear structures using various physical examination techniq ues to identify any ab normalities , infections , or conditions that may impact hearing and b alance . By integrating ear microscope examinations with audiological assessments and specializ ed tympanometry to test middle and inner ear functions , the clinic can detect issues ranging from common ear infections and eustachian dysfunction to more complex hearing impairments ,
Datuk Dr . Siow Seng Choon
including conductive and sensorineural hearing loss . T his comprehensive approach plays a pivotal role in the early identification and management of earrelated health issues , ensuring patients receive timely and appropriate care .
P atients can receive comprehensive essential E NT examinations at DrSiowE NT clinic , while additional supporting facilities for further investigations are availab le at our premier tertiary G leneagles Hospital Johor . T his includes the essential radiological investigations such as the 6 40-slices CT scan , 1 . 5 tesla MRI and the latest Digital P E T -CT Scans , which can detect the early onset of cancer , at times missed in b asic CT or P E T Scans . Coupled with an extensive b iochemistry lab oratory , patients can rest assured knowing they are in a safe and comfortab le environment with access to world-class medical facilities and amenities , supported b y a team of dedicated healthcare professionals .
Datuk Dr . Siow Seng Choon , the principle of DrSiowE NT clinic , has b een practicing as an E NT surgeon for more than 25 years and he performed surgeries at several regional referral hospitals . He is currently a resident E NT
Surgeon at G leneagles Hospital Johor . T he common surgeries he performs include :
• Adenoidectomy and T onsillectomy : T o alleviate chronic adenoiditis and tonsillitis or manage sleep apnoea , often performed in cases of recurrent infections or airway ob struction .
• Nasal Surgeries : Septoplasty , a corrective nasal surgery for a deviated nasal septum to improve b reathing and prevent nasal ob struction ; Sinus Surgery for sinus infections , such as Functional E ndoscopic Sinus Surgery , enlarges sinus openings to improve drainage and minimally invasive procedures which includes b alloon sinuplasty , often done b y endoscope , and Image-G uided Surgery , comb ining computed tomography ( CT ) and endoscopy for b etter visualiz ation .
• E ar Surgeries : Myringotomy with rommet Insertion involves inserting a tub e into the ear to drain accumulated �uid in the middle ear , commonly known as glue ear , which may cause chronic infections and potential hearing issues .
• Reconstructive E ar Surgery : such as Myringoplasty , the reconstruction of eardrum .
• Head and Neck Malignancies : E NT surgery may b e necessary for cancer in the head and neck region , such as larynx , oral cavity , salivary glands .
• Laryngeal Surgeries : Direct Laryngoscopy / Microlaryngeal Surgery , a diagnostic or surgical procedure using a scope with or without a microscope to examine or operate on the larynx .
www . DrSiowE NT . com WhatsApp ( Message Only ) : + 6 01 1 1 028 3 1 1 3
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024