GHT Awards 2024 C | Page 66



Metabolic Healthcare Solutions : Revolutionising Diabetes Care in Kuala Lumpur
Mission and Vision At Metab olic Healthcare Solutions , our mission is to transform the lives of individuals living with type 2 diab etes through a holistic and integrative approach to health and nutrition . We envision a future where diab etes management is not just ab out controlling symptoms b ut ab out reversing the disease , enhancing overall well-b eing , and empowering patients to lead healthier , more fulfilling lives . Our goal is to reduce dependency on insulin and oral diab etes medications , improve b lood pressure , and promote sustainab le weight reduction .
Specialised Services Metab olic Healthcare Solutions offers a comprehensive , patient-centred programme designed to manage and reverse type 2 diab etes . Our services include personalised nutritional counselling , lifestyle modification plans , and continuous health monitoring . We utilise evidence-based strategies to help patients reduce or eliminate the need for diab etes medications , thereb y addressing the root causes of the disease rather than merely treating its symptoms . Our holistic approach integrates dietary guidance , physical activity , stress management , and regular health assessments to ensure a b alanced and sustainab le path to health .
What Sets Us Apart What distinguishes Metabolic Healthcare Solutions from other clinics in the region is our unwavering commitment to reversing type 2
Dr . Manvir Gill
diab etes through non-pharmacological methods . U nlike traditional diab etes management centres that often focus on medication and insulin therapy , our clinic emphasises a natural , holistic approach . Our success is evident in the significant improvements in our patients ’ health metrics , including reduced medication reliance , b etter b lood pressure control , and sub stantial weight loss . Additionally , our personalised care and continuous support system ensure that each patient receives tailored interventions suited to their uniq ue health needs . Furthermore , our patients can reach us from all over the world as we conduct our consultations online and have integrated telemedicine to our system . Our patients can b e treated and managed online as well as physcial consulations .
Medical Specialities and Departments Our clinic specialises in diab etes care and management , with a dedicated focus on reversing type 2 diab etes . We have a team of highly qualified healthcare professionals who specialise in endocrinology , nutrition , and lifestyle medicine . T his multidisciplinary approach allows us to address all aspects of diab etes management , from dietary planning to mental health support , ensuring comprehensive care for our patients .
Achievements and Groundbreaking Treatments Metab olic Healthcare Solutions is proud to have b een awarded the Diab etes Centre of the Y ear b y G lob al Health AP AC in 2024 . T his accolade recognises our innovative approach and outstanding outcomes in diab etes care . Our clinic b oasts numerous case studies and successful patient testimonials that demonstrate the efficacy of our methods . We continue to pioneer new methods and protocols that enhance the effectiveness of diab etes reversal through lifestyle changes .
Accreditations and Certifications Our clinic and its practitioners hold numerous accreditations and certifications from esteemed medical b odies . Dr Manvir G ill , the founder of Metab olic Healthcare Solutions , holds an MB BCH BAO from the National U niversity of Ireland , U niversity College Dub lin along with Royal College of Surgeons Ireland conjoined b oard . Followed b y a Master ’ s degree in Diab etes Care from the U niversity of Warwick , United Kingdom . Our clinic is recognised b y various professional health organisations and adheres to the highest standards of medical practice . We are committed to continuous learning and professional development , ensuring that our patients benefit from the latest advancements in diab etes care .
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