GHT Awards 2024 C | Page 40



AMDEN CAPITAL - Making treatments affordable , reachable and accessible Amden Capital was estab lished in 2004 b y a group of professionals with over �0 years of experience . In �0�0 , after engaging with the Medical Fraternity on the need to make treatment more affordab le and accessib le to the masses , Amden Capital pivoted from its traditional role and took it upon itself to complement patient care and the Medical Industry , thus becoming the only Specialised Medical Financing Institution ( MFI ) in South East Asia .
In addition to conventional medical financing , Amden Capital now provides Shariah Compliant Medical Financing facilities for patients needing to meet their req uirements and ob ligations . This is also a re�ection on their value of inclusivity . With this transformation , their focus has b een to make q uality treatment affordab le for patients .
While cementing their position as a leader in Bariatric Surgery financing , they are currently experiencing a surge in financing applications for plastic and reconstructive surgery , fertility , maternity , orthopaedic and cardio-related procedures amongst others .
Amden Capital ’ s immediate focus is on strengthening their position as the premier and preferred medical financing provider within Malaysia , going ab ove and b eyond in providing the ultimate tailor-made financing options .
Several factors contrib uted to its status as the preferred financing body�
1 . Each financing is structured differently to suit medical procedures according
Emma Sani & Ranjit Singh
to patient needs .
2 . P ost-Covid changes in spending habits�financial management . The Covid era has contrib uted to a huge change in managing of finances where patients would rather keep the excess cash and have the �exibility of stretching repayments over a period of time .
3 . E lective procedures- the medical financing provided by Amden Capital has given options to patients going for elective procedures which are generally not covered b y insurance .
4 . Insufficient�shortfall of insurance coverage is another reason why patients apply to us for medical financing . This is usually done posttreatment .
Amden Capital understands the importance of having a comprehensive insurance policy and see themselves as complementing the insurance industry .
T heir CE O , Mr . Ranjit Singh shares some notab le client cases that stood close to his heart . �The first being a patient who took financing for bariatric surgery ab out 1 0 months ago . T he surgery was done by Dr . Mustafa Mohamed T aher , a renowned upper GI and bariatric surgeon . This couple was trying to have a child for the last 1 2 years . However , the patient struggled to conceive due to her weight-related issues . T his surgery has reduced her weight and they are now expecting their first child ,’ he mentions with pride .
“ Our next client , a senior manager in an MNC , had infected breasts due to intramuscular breast fillers . She is a mother of seven children and needed urgent surgery due to her severe infections and was at risk of going into septic shock . With our financing , she was ab le to proceed with urgent surgery and has fully recovered . T his client says Amden has given her a new lease of life ,” Ranjit further shared .
Amden Capital has collab orated with over 6 0 medical healthcare providers with the most recent being Bukit Tinggi Medical Centre and continues to strive in b eing the leader in Specializ ed Medical Financing in South E ast Asia .
38 SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com