GHT Awards 2024 C | Page 30



Avisena Specialist Hospital Celebrates Double Win at the Global Health Asia-Pacific Awards 2024 Avisena Specialist Hospital proudly announces its prestigious doub le win at the Global Health Asia-Pacific Awards 2024 . T he hospital has b een recogniz ed as the ENT Service Provider of the �ear and the Diabetic Metabolic Provider of the Y ear , a testament to its unwavering commitment to excellence , innovation , and patient-centred care .
Leading the Way in ENT Services The ENT unit at Avisena Specialist Hospital has achieved remarkab le milestones over the past year , thanks to the dedication and expertise of its specialists and the hospital team . Comprised of five distinguished specialists with sub -specialties in otology , laryngology , and rob otic ENT surgery , the team provides comprehensive care tailored to individual patient needs . T his diversity in expertise enab les the unit to manage a wide array of ENT conditions effectively .
Collab oration with nearb y medical centers and Hospital Canselor T uanku Mukhriz UKM ( HCTM ) allows the team to handle complex cases using advanced surgical interventions , enhancing interdisciplinary teamwork and patient outcomes .
Innovation is at the heart of the ENT unit ’ s success . The adoption of cutting-edge technologies , such as the Bi�act tonsillectomy device and Imageuided Surgeries , has revolutioniz ed surgical procedures , ensuring greater precision and safety . Additionally , the estab lishment of a new Audiology Room in 2023 has expanded the unit ’ s capacity to conduct comprehensive hearing tests ,
Dr Razman Abd Karim
significantly improving the diagnosis and management of auditory disorders .
The ENT unit ’ s achievements in head and neck cancer surgeries and its proactive steps to address the growing demand for audiological services underscore its commitment to advancing the field of otolaryngology .
Excellence in Diabetic Metabolic Care The Avisena Diabetes , Endocrinology & Metabolism ( ADEM ) unit has set new standards in diab etes management , earning it the title of Diabetic Metabolic P rovider of the Y ear . T he unit ’ s exceptional performance is highlighted b y its success in managing patients ’ glycated haemoglob in ( Hb A1 C ) levels and addressing ob esity through innovative , non-pharmaceutical approaches .
ADEM ’ s groundbreaking �Supported Lifestyle Modification ’ module empowers patients to initiate and adhere to lifestyle changes , leading to significant health improvements . In �0�� , the unit surpassed national averages in key diab etes management indicators , with notab le achievements in Hb A1 C control . Impressively , �0� of patients achieved HbA1C levels of less than � . �� , showcasing the unit ’ s effectiveness in maintaining optimal b lood glucose levels .
A standout aspect of ADEM ’ s service is its success in diab etes reversal , achieving a reversal rate of � . �� . This innovative approach offers patients the opportunity to regain metab olic health , marking a transformative milestone in diab etes care . T he unit ’ s comprehensive approach integrates personaliz ed treatment plans , addressing lifestyle factors , genetic predispositions , and metab olic ab normalities , empowering patients to achieve meaningful health improvements .
T he introduction of Continuous G lucose Monitoring Systems ( CG MS ) at ADEM represents a significant leap forward in diab etes care . CG MS technology provides real-time glucose level data , enab ling patients to proactively manage their condition . T his technology , combined with ADEM ’ s multidisciplinary services , ensures holistic care that addresses the medical , nutritional , physical , and psychological aspects of diab etes .
Celebrating Team Effort and Advanced Technology T he doub le accolade at the G lob al Health Asia-Pacific Awards �0�� highlights the incredib le efforts of Avisena Specialist Hospital ’ s dedicated specialists , hospital team , and the cutting-edge eq uipment they utiliz e . T hese awards underscore the hospital ’ s commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services and its continuous pursuit of excellence and innovation .
28 SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com