GHT Awards 2024 C | Page 24



Dominating Excellence : IJN Sweeps Prestigious Awards Across the Asia-Pacific
In a triumph of medical excellence , Institut �antung Negara ( I�N ) has once again emerged victorious at the GlobalHealth Asia-Pacific Awards 2024 . Clinching an impressive total of six awards across a diverse array of categories , the cardiac specialist hospital continues to solidify its position as a regional industry leader .
For nine consecutive years , I�N has reigned supreme as the undisputed Cardiology Service P rovider of the Y ear in Asia-Pacific . This feat is a testament to the hospital ’ s unwavering dedication to cardiovascular care and treatment , standing out with its strong track record of handling routine and complex cardiology cases within and b eyond Malaysia .
Accordingly , I�N has also been hailed as the P aediatric Cardiology Service Provider of the �ear for the fifth year in a row , showcasing the centre ’ s commitment to its youngest and most vulnerab le patients . T he hospital ’ s P aediatric and Congenital Heart Centre ( P CHC ) has long b een recognised as a national referral centre for paediatric patients req uiring complex heart surgery , and provides ongoing care for congenital heart patients as they grow into adulthood .
Within the realm of emergency care , I�N continues to strengthen its streak of excellence b y earning the title of E mergency Care Service P rovider of the Y ear for two consecutive years . T his recognition underscores the hospital ’ s
Dato ’ Akmal Arief Mohamed Fauzi
unparalleled ab ility to deliver swift and effective emergency medical services , ensuring critical care is offered at precisely the right time .
As innovation is a major driver of I�N ’ s ethos , it is no surprise that the centre has b een named the Most Innovative Hospital of the �ear in Asia-Pacific for two years in a row . By constantly pioneering groundb reaking treatment methods and technologies , the centre has proven its ab ility to not only keep up with the times , b ut also b e proactive in reshaping the future of healthcare to raise the b ar for healthcare standards and outcomes .
A new feather to I�N ’ s cap this year is its recognition of b eing the E lectrophysiology Service P rovider of the �ear in Asia-Pacific . This accolade signifies the hospital ’ s long-standing history in the highly specialised field , offering cutting-edge solutions to diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders .
Meanwhile , I�N ’ s win for Corporate Social Responsib ility Service of the �ear in Asia-Pacific shines a spotlight on the centre ’ s efforts to b e an agent of positive change . T hrough a myriad of initiatives including community outreach and educational activities , the centre has created impactful programmes that ensure access to q uality care . T he hospital is also committed to sustainab ility , integrating eco-friendly measures to reduce its carb on footprint and usher in a healthier future for all .
“ We ’ re immensely grateful for our team , as their dedication and hard work have b een instrumental in securing these accolades year after year ,” said I�N deputy chief executive officer Dato ’ Akmal Arief Mohd Fauz i . “ T he awards also serve as strong b enchmark for our ongoing aspirations , letting us know that we are on the right trajectory in our pursuit of excellence in healthcare .”
As the I�N celebrates these latest achievements , it remains focused on its mission to continue delivering exceptional patient care , inspire innovation in medical science , and making a meaningful impact on the communities it serves across the region .
22 SPECIAL ISSUE | 2024 GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com