GHAP Medical and Aesthetic Awards 2020 | Page 37



The Digestive Centre at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore provides screening , investigation , and therapy for both acute and chronic gastrointestinal disorders . Staffed by specialists in both medicine and nutrition and ably supported by a strong nursing team , the centre offers patients comprehensive assessment and state-of-the-art treatment with minimal downtime .
The services available include : 1 . Nutrition and metabolism centre 2 . Stomach and colon cancer screening and treatment 3 . Investigation and management of abdominal / gastric pain 4 . Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy 5 . Acid reflux treatment and hiatal hernia repair 6 . Abdominal and inguinal hernia repair 7 . Removal of gallstones 8 . Metabolic rate testing 9 . Weight management 10 . Bariatric ( weight loss ) endoscopy 11 . Bariatric surgery
The team at the Digestive Centre emphasises early detection , accurate diagnosis , and holistic intervention through the following signature programmes :
Early detection Simple blood and stool tests can identify risks for stomach and colon cancer . If necessary , imaging and endoscopy can be carried out to further investigate any suspicious symptoms or findings . Tests are usually completed in one morning session .
Dr Shanker Passupathy
Diet and lifestyle intervention for weight loss , diabetes , and metabolic control Overeating , poor food choices , and high-energy drinks are the main causes of burgeoning obesity rates worldwide , including Singapore . The centre ’ s weight management programmes ( three to six months ) are designed to identify a patient ’ s underlying risk profile and any specific triggers . In addition to helping patients design their own eating routine , scientifically proven medications may be added to control cravings , boost metabolism , and increase chances of success .
Nutrition support for cancer After smoking , excess body fat is the most important risk factor for many cancers , especially in the breast , endometrial tissue of the womb , colon , liver , pancreas , and oesophagus . Because good nutrition is essential to the body ’ s ability to fight cancer effectively , the centre ’ s cancer nutrition programmes can be adapted to the specific requirements of chemotherapy and surgery in order to optimise health during this challenging period .
Magnetic sphincter augmentation ( Linx procedure ) for acid reflux The Linx procedure involves placing a magnetic bracelet around the lower oesophageal sphincter to control and reduce acid reflux . The device is placed by keyhole technique carried out as an ambulatory procedure in suitable individuals .
Non-invasive weight loss therapies ( e . g ., Elipse balloon and Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty ) The Elipse balloon is the latest gastric space-occupying balloon . Unlike its larger and more cumbersome predecessors , the Elipse balloon is the size of a capsule that can be swallowed in the clinic . Another treatment , the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty procedure , mimics the traditional gastric sleeve surgery and can be done as an outpatient procedure in suitable individuals .
Ambulatory and fast-track bariatric surgery Standardisation of technique , keyhole approach , and modern , stand-alone intervention centres enable many hospital-based procedures to be carried out safely and effectively in the ambulatory setting . Patients who have completed all their work-up and fall into the low-risk category may be eligible for a fast-track weight-loss procedure with minimal downtime .
Minimally invasive tumour surgery Complex cancer surgery is now being supplanted by endoscopic approaches , ablation tools , and keyhole procedures in suitable cases . When a tumour or growth is at an early stage or confined to specific areas , minimally invasive treatments may be a viable option .
GlobalHealthAsiaPacific . com 2020 AWARDS SPECIAL